- sphinxcontrib.blockdiag
- sphinxcontrib.sphinxcontrib-needs
- sphinxcontrib.sphinxcontrib-plantuml
- sphinxcontrib.nwdiag
- sphinxcontrib.seqdiag
- sphinxcontrib.swaggerdoc
- sphinxcontrib.redoc
- sphinx_rtd_theme
Make sure you are in a Python 3 environment.
pip install lfdocs-conf
pip install rstcheck
pip install doc8
pip install sphinx sphinx-autobuild
pip install sphinxcontrib-blockdiag
pip install sphinxcontrib-needs
pip install sphinxcontrib-plantuml
pip install sphinxcontrib-nwdiag
pip install sphinxcontrib-seqdiag
pip install sphinxcontrib-swaggerdoc
pip install sphinxcontrib-redoc
pip install sphinx_rtd_theme
RST Plugin configuration
In addition, it is important to configure the RST plugin with the following parameter as displayed in the figure
Conf Path: ${workspaceFolder}/docs
Docutils Writer: html
Docutils Writer Part: html_body
Linter: Executable Path: /usr/bin/doc8 or $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/doc8 if you are in a python 3 virtual env (and launched Visual studio code from it)
Linter: Name: doc8
Sphinx Build Path: /usr/local/bin/sphinx-build or $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/sphinx-build if you are in a python 3 virtual env (and launched Visual studio code from it)
Note: you an also use the settings.json file under <home>.config/Code/User and add the following properties
"restructuredtext.confPath": "${workspaceFolder}/docs",
"restructuredtext.sphinxBuildPath": "/usr/local/bin/sphinx-build",
"restructuredtext.linter.executablePath": "/usr/bin/doc8",
"restructuredtext.linter.name": "doc8"
Note: you need to open a Folder associated with the ONAP component