Versions Compared


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It is yet not clear which version of Microk8s works for which ONAP release. Successfuly Successfully tested is Microk8s 1.15 for Frankfurt release. E.g. the latest Microk8s version doesnt doesn't work for Frankfurt. Run the following command to install a specific version of Microk8s.


Code Block
titleEnable add-ons of Microk8s
microk8s enable storage

microk8s enable helm

microk8s enable dns 

Microk8s 1.15 comes with helm v2.14.3, ONAP Frankfurt release requires helm v2.16.6, you can use snap to install required helm version:

Code Block
titleInstall Microk8s
snap install helm --classic --channel=2.16/stable

The default storage class  is required in the Helm deploy command later on, therefore take note of it with the following command.


  1. Clone ONAP Helm charts for specific release including submodules

    git clone --branch frankfurt --recurse-submodules ""

  2. Change to kubernetes dir

    cd oom/kubernetes

  3. Initialize Helm and configure Tiller

    Code Block
    titleConfigure Tiller
    microk8s kubectl -n kube-system create serviceaccount tiller
    microk8s kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller-cluster-rule --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:tiller
    microk8s helm init --service-account tiller
    microk8s kubectl -n kube-system rollout status deploy/tiller-deploy

  4. Start Helm service and initialize local Helm repository

    make repo

    Makefile script calls helm directly, so you have to create alias to allow it to find helm binary:

    sudo snap alias microk8s.helm helm
    # This will do same

    # This will do same as:

    helm serve &
    helm repo add local


  5. Package ONAP Helm charts

