Formatting Plugin Now Available Starting in guilin-
Oparent now has a formatting plugin available for projects that need to get their source code formatted to meet checkstyle guidelines. Instructions are in the pom.xml on how to use it.
Code Block
# Clone oparent somewhere local
> git clone https://github.com/onap/oparent.git
# 1st - your project should be inheriting from this oparent java dependency
> cd <my-repo>
> vi pom.xml
# ensure pom.xml is pointing to 3.1.0-SNAPSHOT or later
# 2nd - go into your project's source directory you wish to reformat
> cd <my-repo-to-reformat>
# 3rd - type in the following and make sure you set the path to where you have oparent cloned and its
onap-java-formatter.xml file
> mvn formatter:format spotless:apply process-sources -Dproject.parent.basedir=<oparent-clone-location>
# formatter will re-format your source files
# check that the source compiles
> mvn clean install
# the source changes can now be uploaded via git review process
CVE Profile Now Available starting in guilin-
This profile can be used offline to check a repository for CVE issues in the codebase. Useful for contributors to check a new dependency without waiting for code to be merged and a CLM report job to be run.