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Table of Contents


 Time (est) Topics Requester/Assignee Notes/Links



Project Status & General updates

Current Open issues 

Memory leak on VESCollector (Jira to be created)

Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira

Open from last meeting

  •  DCAEGEN2-2471: DCAE Offline install issue with new types not included in docker - 
  •  DCAEGEN2-2463: DCAE multisite-init-container Docker image build fails  - Move to H release
  •  DCAEGEN2-2465: DCAE Cloudify Manager readiness probe timeout too short - Merged into OOM
  •  DCAEGEN2-2455: DCAE dockers contain GPLv3 - Move to H release
  •  DCAEGEN2-2457: DCAE deployment failing (integration daily) - Resource limit for Cloudify to be increased; planned with OOM submission later today by Jack
  •  DCAEGEN2-2469: TCA-gen2 CL output Request-ID not valid UUID
  •  DCAEGEN2-2470: TCA-gen2 nullpointer exception when sourcing policy config via CBS

Note: Bootstrap revision/release to be consolidated (btw now and RC1)

  • First patch merged must include version bump
  • Subsequent patches can be merged without version bump as long as not release
  • Selfrelease yaml snapshot must include latest snapshot 

Guilin Reference 

Upcoming milestone RC0 - DCAEGEN2-2442

  • Review Guilin packages (see below)

DCAE Outstanding Jira & MED priority bugs (Guilin)

Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira

Review Guilin Branching 

Branched majority of DCAE repositories for Guilin release with corresponding CI jobs in place – with the exception of following repositories

Branching for dcaegen2 (documentation) will be done toward end of RC1.  Until then pls DO NOT merge any changes targeted POST Guilin on “master” branch for dcaegen2 repositories.

Couple of guidelines on approvals/merged on branched components

  1. Guilin branch
    1. Only critical bug fixes must be merged into guilin branches
    2. patch version must be incremented for every bugfix
    3. Self-release can be submitted into guilin branch
  2. Guilin Maintenance  (schedule TBD)
    1. Any change targeted for Guilin maintenance must go under “Guilin” branch only after release tagging is complete (around RC2)
    2. Bug-fixes for Guilin-maintenance can go under “master” and later cherry-picked and released
  3. Master branch
    1. Post Guilin enhancement/optimization can be worked and approved but would suggest to hold merge until RC0.
    2. Work with contributor to Cherry-pick any bug fix submitted under Guilin branch into master branches
    3. Ensure master version is updated and do not conflict with guilin (typically we bump the minor version on master)

For following repository, the builds are dependent on artifacts being sourced from/pushed into nexus raw. Path submitted to reflect R8 path on master (Guilin will stay on R7); new updates >R7 can progress on these except for last two repo  (pending branching and merging patch submitted)

  • dcaegen2/collectors/snmptrap
  • dcaegen2/platform/plugins
  • dcaegen2/utils
  • dcaegen2/deployment
  • dcaegen2/platform/blueprint

CSIT Info requested by Integration Team

  • which docker images (names and versions) are under test*
  • which docker images are required dependencies* for the test to run clear in all cases?
  • Added in a for each plan

Looking for volunteer to help with documentation 

ConfigMap support through Spec/Onboarding@Marek Kukulski

Discuss proposal for configmap support 

  • Configmap creation not part of
  • scope 
  • presentation 
    View file
    nameDCAE ConfigMap in App deployment.pptx

CMPv2 Support for H release@Pawel B

Discuss status

  • Bp-gen refactoring holding kafka support (HV-VES)
  • RESTConf collector (CMPv2) - proposal not to implement for Guilin

Discussion next week will focus on DCAE transformation


Frankfurt Artifacts Release versions

Check "Artifacts released" section under RTD -

Open Action Items
