- Data Extraction Service exposes the data in Big Data DBs to outside via REST API
- Each data exposure is defined via a set of configurations, which contains URL, from which DB to retrieve the data, query sql template, etc
Deployment Prerequisite/dependencies
- Since datalake can log the message from the DMaap to several different external databases, such as Elasticsearch, Couch Base, MongoDB, Relational databases...etc. Once Datalake is successfully deployed, you can start to configure the external databases through our admin UI.
- Make sure there is a mariadb-galera cluster has deployed in onap.
Deployment Steps
- if mariadb-galera not installed, follow the way to install maridb below:
helm install local/mariadb-galera --namespace onap --name dev-mariadb-galera --set global.pullPolicy=IfNotPresent --set global.masterPassword=onap
- intall mongodb service for testing:docker run -itd --restart=always --name dl-mongo -p 27017:27017 mongo
- build presto image and push the images to a exsting repository:
docker build -t presto:v0.0.2 .
docker tag presto:v0.0.2 registry.baidubce.com/onap/presto:v0.0.2
docker push registry.baidubce.com/onap/presto:v0.0.2
4. install presto service:
kubectl -n onap run dl-presto --image=registry.baidubce.com/onap/presto:v0.0.2 --env="MongoDB_IP=" --env="MongoDB_PORT=27017"
kubectl -n onap expose deployment dl-presto --port=9000 --target-port=9000 --type=NodePort
Note: MonoDB_IP and Mongo_PORT you can replace this two values with your own configuration.
5. check presto service:
6. Like other services in DCAE, des also can be easily deployed through DCAE cloudify manager. The following steps guides you launch des though cloudify manager.
cfy blueprints upload -b des /blueprints/k8s-datalake-des.yaml
cfy deployments create -b des des
cfy executions start -d des install