Note 3. This does not yet cover authorization.
# | Operation | Payload | Description | |
Modelling storage | 1 | POST /dataspaces/{dataspace-id}/modules | File | Create (and validate) a module set (upload a model file) for the given dataspace. Payload is a file containing 1 or more yang modules. This operation will also create a dataspace. |
2 | GET /dataspaces/{dataspace-id}/modules | Read all modules in the store for the given dataspace | ||
3 | GET /dataspaces/{dataspace-id}/modules?namespace="..."/namespace/{namespace-id} | Read all modules in the store for the given dataspace and namespace | ||
4 | GET /dataspaces/{dataspace-id}/modules ?namespace="..."&revision="..."/namespace/{namespace-id}/revision/{revision} | Read all modules in the store for the given dataspace, namespace and revision | ||
Anchor persistence | 5 | POST /dataspaces/{dataspace-id}/anchors | Json Object | Create a new anchor in the given dataspace (payload includes anchor name, module namespace and revision) |
6 | GET /dataspaces/{dataspace-id}/anchors/{anchor-id} | Read an anchor and the associated attributes given a anchor ID and a dataspace. | ||
7 | DELETE /dataspaces/{dataspace-id}/anchors/{anchor-id} | Delete an anchor given a anchor ID and a dataspace. This will delete the whole tree | ||
8 | GET /dataspaces/{dataspace-id}/anchors | Read all anchors in the given a dataspace. | ||
Node persistence | 9 | POST /dataspaces/{dataspace-id}/nodes | File | Create a (root) node for a given anchor for the given dataspace, the node can have children. Their children will also be persisted as separate nodes in the system. |
10 | GET /dataspaces/{dataspace-id}/anchors/{anchor-id}/nodes?xpath="..." | Get a node given an anchor for the given dataspace (return just one level with just xpath references to its children) | ||
11 | GET /dataspaces/{dataspace-id}/nodes&xpath="..." | Get a node (under any anchor) given a Xpath expression for the given dataspace | ||
12 | GET /dataspaces/{dataspace-id}/nodes?schema_node_identifier="..." | Get all the relevant nodes given a schema node identifier for the given dataspace (not need to specify dataspace is schema-node-identifier is globally unique) |