In MDONS use case, the domain OTN service activation sometime could happen in hours, even days, after the service is created in case of OpenRoadM OTN service creation. Flow steps are the following:
- Notification callback URL is usually provided as input of service creation request.
- Upon service activation successful, a notification will be sent back to SDNC from SB domain controller by calling an appropriate DG
- The DG will call an SO API to update the status of the corresponding L1 Access Service for SO to complete the OTN service creation flow.
Async Flow
Async response for MDONS service creation is applicable when we create a MSA based OTN service using Open ROADM NEs. In this case, after service creation is successful in domain controller and the Sync Response is received in SO BPMN, SO waits for Async response from domain controller/SDNC.
For this, we can use URL for POST: https://<SNDC Public IP>:30267/asyncNotification
The JSON format required for posting in this URL is as below: