S.No. | Category | Test Case Description | Reference to main TC | Dependency | Tester | Status |
COM_01 | Service/template design | Successful design of CST and Service Profile Templates | 1 |
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COM_02 | Service/template design | Successful design of NST (option 1 and option 2) | 2 |
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COM_03 | Service instantiation | Service instantiation via CSMF Portal (UUI) for Option 1 (RAN NSSMF within ONAP) resulting in NST Selection request from SO towards OOF, and receiving the NST details in the callback from OOF. | 3 | COM_02 |
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COM_04 | Service instantiation (Option 1) | After NST selection, NSMF (SO) fetches sub-net capabilities for the 3 constituent sub-nets (RAN, Core and Transport) for Option 1. | 3 | COM_03 |
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COM_05 | Service instantiation (Option 1) - New NSI | NSMF (SO) to trigger triggers OOF for NSI selection (passing Service Profile, NST and sub-net capabilities), resulting in OOF providing Slice Profiles (in callback API) for new NSI creation (Option 1). | 3 | COM_04 |
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COM_06 | Service instantiation (Option 1) - New NSI | SO (NSMF) presents the NSI solution to NSMF Portal (UUI) for manual intervention. NSMF Portal (UUI) provides endpoints for RAN and Core sub-nets while allowing creation of new NSI. | 3 | COM_05 |
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COM_07 | Service instantiation (Option 1) - New NSI | NSMF (SO) triggers RAN NSSMF with allocateNSSI operation via the NSSMF adaptor, and RAN NSSI is allocated successfully. | 3 | COM_06 |
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COM_08 | Service instantiation (Option 1) - New NSI | NSMF (SO) triggers Core NSSMF with allocateNSSI operation via the NSSMF adaptor, and Core NSSI is allocated successfully. | 3 | COM_06 |
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COM_09 | Service instantiation (Option 1) - New NSI | NSMF (SO) triggers TN NSSMF with allocateNSSI operation via the NSSMF adaptor along with the RAN & Core endpoint info, and TN NSSI is allocated successfully. | 3 | COM_06 |
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COM_10 | Service instantiation (Option 2) - New NSI | After NST selection, NSMF (SO) fetches sub-net capabilities for the 3 constituent sub-nets (RAN, Core and Transport) for Option 2. | 3 | , | COM_01 - 03 |
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COM_11 | Service instantiation (Option 2) - New NSI | NSMF (SO) triggers OOF for NSI selection (passing Service Profile, NST and sub-net capabilities), resulting in OOF providing Slice Profiles (in callback API) for new NSI creation (Option 2). |
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COM_12 | Service instantiation (Option 2) - New NSI | NSMF (SO) calls OOF using selectNSSI API for the RAN NSSI selection (in case of external RAN NSSMF) with RAN Slice Profile and RAN sub-net capabilities. OOF provides (empty) response that no RAN NSSI exists (that can be reused). |
| COM_11 |
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