For G-release, it stores the details of NearRTRIC, CU, DU, RRM Policy and RAN Slice details. Static mapping between tracking area and cells are also persisted.
Table of Contents include Database Schema, API documentation
include | Database Schema, API documentation |
Database Schema:
Columns | Type | Description |
nearRTRICId | integer | Unique Id |
gNBId | Integer | |
trackingArea | String | Tracking Area for which the service is requested |
NRCellDUList | List<GNBDUFunction> | List of gNBDUFunction -Bidirectiona one-to-many relationship with NGRANInfo & gNBCUCPFunction |
NRCellCUCPList | List<GNBCUCPFunction> | List of gNBCUCPFunction - Bidirectiona one-to-many relationship with NGRANInfo & gNBDUFunction |
NRCellCUUPList | List<GNBCUUPFunction> | List of gNBCUUPFunction - Bidirectiona one-to-many relationship with NGRANInfo |
ranNFNSSIList | List<String> | RANNFNSSI list |
pLMNInfoList | List<PLMNInfo> | NSSAI List |
Columns | Type | Description |
gNBId | Integer | |
gNBIdLength | Integer | |
gNBCUName | String | |
pLMNId | String | |
nFType | String | |
cellCUList | List<NRCellCU> | Bidirectional one-to-many relationship with GNBCUCPFunction |
nearRTRICId | Integer | Foreign key to relate with NearRTRIC |
Columns | Type | Description |
gNBId | Integer | |
gNBIdLength | Integer | |
gNBCUUPId | Integer | Unique id |
pLMNInfoList | List<PLMNInfo> | List of NSSAIs |
resourceType | String | DRB |
nearRTRICId | Integer | Foreign key to relate with NearRTRIC |
Columns | Type | Description |
gNBId | Integer | |
gNBIdLength | Integer | |
gNBDUId | Integer | Primary key |
gNBDUName | String | |
nFType | String | |
cellDUList | List<NRCellDU> | Bidirectional one-to-many relationship with GNBDUFunction |
nearRTRICId | Integer | Foreign key to relate with NearRTRIC |
Columns | Type | Description |
cellLocalId | Integer | |
resourceType | String | RRC Connected Users |
pLMNInfoList | List<PLMNInfo> | |
gNBCUName | String | Foreign key |
Columns | Type | Description |
cellLocalId | Integer | identifies a NR cell within a PLMN |
operationalState | enum | allowedValues: ENABLED, DISABLED |
administrativeState | enum | allowedValues: LOCKED, SHUTTING DOWN, UNLOCKED. |
cellState | enum | allowedValues: IDLE", INACTIVE", ACTIVE. |
pLMNInfoList | List<PLMNInfo> | |
nRPCI | Integer | Physical Cell Identity (PCI) of the NR cell |
nRTAC | Integer | Tracking Area code |
gNBDUId | Integer | foreign key |
Attribute name | Type |
pLMNId | String |
Attribute name | Type |
sNSSAI | String |
status | String |
configData | NSSAIConfig |
globalSubscriberId | String |
subscriptionServiceType | String |
Attribute name | Type |
maxNumberOfConns | Integer |
dLThptPerSlice | Integer |
uLThptPerSlice | Integer |
Columns | Type | Description |
ranNFNSSIID | String | Unique identifier of RAN NF NSSI |
RANNSSIList | List<String> | List of RAN NSSIs |
NSSAIList | List<String> | List of NSSAIs catered by this RAN slice |
sliceProfiles | List<SliceProfile> | |
trackingAreaList | String | List of tracking area stored as json string |
subnetStatus | String | Status of the RAN subnet |
nsstId | String | NSST ID |
sliceType | String | Type of slice eMBB/uRLLC/mMTC |
isShareable | String | Shareability of radio resources |
Columns | Type | Description |
rrmPolicyID | integer | Unique Id of the RRMPolicy |
resourceID | String | Id of CU/DU/NearRTRIC |
resourceType | String | |
sliceType | String | Type of slice eMBB/uRLLC/mMTC |
rRMPolicyMemberList | List<RRMPolicyMember> | Embeddable entity |
quotaType | String | "STRICT", "FLOAT" |
rRMPolicyMaxRatio | integer | |
rRMPolicyMinRatio | Integer | |
rRMPolicyDedicatedRatio | integer |
Attribute name | Type |
pLMNId | String |
sNSSAI | String |
Attribute name | Type |
trackingArea | String |
cells | String |
API Documentation
Config DB exposes several APIs to read and write data from DB. Refer the Swagger document for API details.
Pre-Loaded Data
DB stores data of 2 NearRTRICs, 2 gNBCUCPFunctions, 2 gNBCUUPFunctions, 6 gNBDUFunctions and 30 Cell details. Refer the document for preloaded data.
Setup Details
cd configdb
#Setup and run maridb container - SDNC_ConfigDB_SchemaV4.sql is attached in the Pre-loaded Data section
sudo docker run -p 3306:3306 -v $PWD/SDNC_ConfigDB_SchemaV4.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/SDNC_ConfigDB_SchemaV4.sql --name mariadb -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password -d mariadb
#Navigate to project directory
cd configdb/Config-DB-API-App
#Build the application
mvn clean install
#Run the application
mvn spring-boot:run &
cd configdb/dumpfiles/RAN_DumpFile_15Mar19.json;
#Upload the dump file to the config DB app- Required for SON use case
curl -X PUT -H 'Content-Type:application/json' --data RAN_DumpFile_15Mar19.json http://localhost:8080/api/sdnc-config-db/v3/insertData