The distributed nature of model and data access raises the question of how will a data user know what data is available and where to get permission to access it.
- µService A provides its model to the CPS
- µService A registers its model with the 'Registry Service'. The registration includes details of the owning service and meta data that can be used in queries for models
- µService A retrieves data from an xNF (e.g. PNF#106)
- µService A stores data related to the xNF (and compliant to the model) in the CPS
- µService B queries the registry to determine if (a) matching models exist and (b) which µServices own them
- 'Registry Service', provides a list of matching µServices
- µService B requests access to model and data from µService A
- µService A grants (or denies) access to models and data – E.g. permission in the form of a secure token
- µService B uses the permission (e.g. token) to access the CPS
- The CPS provides data related to the xNF compliant with the model
This issue was discussed during the weekly meeting