The example above, the policy operational.vehiclemanufacturing.electric-vehicle has targets Wayne_Line4, Wayne_Line5, Dagenham_Line2 and Koln_line5, and those targets are governed by the target policy onap.policies.targets.enableEVBatteryTesting version 2.1.2.
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The diagram above shows how policies that use targets are deployed. When targets are specified, an XACML PDP is deployed with the PDP that is executing the policy that uses targets. At least one XACML PDP with a well known REST endpoint must be running in each PDP group that uses targets. For example, in an Kubernetes deployment, an XACML PDP may be instantiated in each POD together with a PDP that will execute policies that use targets.
At deployment, PolicyAdministration (the PAP) checks the policy being deployed to see if it uses targets. if so, the PAP reads the target policies from the policy database and deploys them to the XACML PDPs in the PDP group. It then deploys the policy that uses targets to the PDPs in the PDP group.