This sequence diagram illustrates how action and placment controllers are registered with orchestrator. Also shown is the part of a sequence where the orchestrator is preparing the AppContext for a composite application and the controllers are invoked in priority order to update the AppContext per their specific function.
Onboard Clusters
(show how clusters are onboarded)Clusters are onboarded to EMCO by first creating a Cluster Provider and then adding Clusters to the Cluster Provider.
When a cluster is created, the KubeConfig file for that cluster is provided as part of the multi-part POST call to the Cluster API.
Additionally, once a Cluster is created, labels and key value pairs may be added to the Cluster via the API. Clusters can be specified by label when preparing placement intents.
The sequence diagram illustrates the process onboarding the cluster and a couple examples of how other sequences in the EMCO system obtain cluster information during operation.
Create Network Intents
(show how network intents are defined and deployed to clusters)