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Topics, Notes, Status and Follow-Up Tasks


TopicNotes / Status / Follow-up
Upcoming milestones and release planning for docs

We walked through all Jira tickets for Guilin release. Please keep adding tasks as they occur. 

Sofia Wallin to invite Andy Mayer to next weeks meeting to get an status update on the work with API documentation. 

Thanks to Andreas who managed the maintenance releases for ElAlto and Frankfurt. 


To be finalized Guilin Release Planning for docs

Sofia to add the basics of the documentation project as well as specific. The team will elaborate on their specific areas/content for more details. 

Encouraging everyone to add planned documentation updates to the documentation tracking page 

API documentation Andy Mayer

Update regarding API documentation handling.

Notes from earlier meeting,

Andy Mayer to capture non-functional requirements for Guilin in Jira, create an Epic in the doc project with associated task for each component. 

He will also support with updating the documentation guide with a swagger instruction. 

Documentation guide 

Thomas Kulik Jakob Krieg

Thomas Kulik : Documentation Developer Guide ( extention planned for Beginners and restructure extisting Guide (

Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira

Jakob Krieg : Created ticked about Testing instructions 

Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira

Update "Documentation improvements for end to end usage of ONAP"

@Aarna Networks

Suggested to create a wiki page to visualise the progress of the project. Also to add other relevant information such as milestone plan and the finial SOW.

Sofia Wallin to create a wiki

DONE Documentation improvements for end to end usage of ONAP


Ramakrishna GP Users guide, Operations Guide analysed.

Tickets raised and changeset created 

Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira

Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira
, should be raised on OOM project

New RST Sphinx extention for CDS Guide 

Jakob Krieg

CDS Guide in Confluence uses "Tabs" (see Modeling Concepts)

Jakob helps the CDS


to migrate the documentation to RTD and found a Sphinx extention to support tabs (extensions = ['sphinx_tabs.tabs']).
He adds it to the in the CDS repo.

When we successfully use this plugin, a suggestion would be to create a presentation for the TSC/PTL call to promote all tools and extentions in RTD to gain more acceptance to write RTD documents.

Possible content:

  • Swagger API documentation
  • Sphinx_tabs
  • Clickable Pictures (Eric)

    Local environment to write RST files Eric Debeau

    Eric Debeau presented local documentation testing. We will document a basic for version for local RST rendering. Further extensions will be available if needed/wanted (such as spell checker + Linter) but this requires a more extensive set of tools. To be presented in the PTL call for feedback.


    Local environment to write RST files and detect

    Visual Studio Code IDE + Extensions (Spell Checker + Linter)

    Automatic preview aligned with ONAP documentation schemes
