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Interface NameInterface Definition Interface Capabilities
SDCE-6SDC Interface

An interface to receive resource Templates from SDC design catalog

AAIE-1Inventory Service Interface

 An interface to create, update, query, and delete resource information and relationships

MSBE-1Micro Service Bus InterfaceAn interface for registration and discovery with the ONAP Micro Service Bus.

Modelling Tosca Parser Interfaces and catalog interfaces

An interface for the Tosca Parser from Modelling project to parse the NS and VNF Descriptors.
MCE-6MultiCloud Interface

An interface for Virtual Network Resource Management and Vim assignment

DCAE-1DCAE Interface

An interface to share FM/PM data for VNF FCAPS from the VNFs via the EMS Driver to VES Collector

OOFE-1OOF InterfaceAn interface to get the VNF placement


  • Network Service Lifecycle Manager (nslcm ) which is the core component of VF-C NFVO, mainly responsible for network service management.
  • Specific Virtualised Network Function Manager (S-VNFM) Driver. VF-C currently has three vendor’s Specific VNFM drivera, including Nokia, Huawei, ZTE drivers, where each driver is a microservice. (Nokia dirver discoped removed from R7 release)
  • Generic Virtualised Network Function Manager (G-VNFM) Drivers. VF-C can now have two generic VNFM drivers, the gvnfm driver and juju vnfm driver. (juju dirver discoped removed from R7 release)
  • GVNFM provides the ONAP Generic Virtualised Network Function Manager capabilities.  GVNFM is composed of three microservices: vfc-vnflcm, vfc-vnfmgr and vfc-vnfres. The core microservice vfc-vnflcm is responsible for VNF life cycle management.
  • Workflow is comprised of 2 microservices, the vfc-workflow that provides the workflow management services and the vfc-workflow-engine which is the activiti workflow engine microservice. ( vfc-workflow-engine Discoped removed from R7 release)
  • Catalog is used for package management, including NS/VNF/PNF package management. (Discope removed from R6 release and migrated to Modeling project)
  • Resource Manager is used for the management of the instances that are created by VF-C and is also responsible for resource granting operations.(Discoped removed from R7 release)
  • Multivim-proxy, provide interfaces to forward virtual resource requests to MultiCloud for resource checking ( Vim Assignment ) and Network resource creation. (Discoped removed from R7 release)
  • EMS Driver is used for VNF performance and alarm data collection and report to DCAE via the VES collector.(Discoped removed from R7 release)

4. known system limitations
