Page Status: Copied from R6 - Mar, 22, 2020
Component Status: Pending PTL Updates and ArchCom Review
Last Reviewed:
Certified by: Benjamin Cheung Tony Finnerty
1. High Level Component Definition and Architectural Relationships
The RunTime DB function provides storage for real-time run-time configuration and operational parameters that need to be used by ONAP.
Drawio | ||||||||||||||||||||
2. API definitions
RunTime DB provides the following interfaces:
Interface Name | Purpose Reason For Use | API Spec (Swagger) |
SDCE-7 | This interface is used to receive the service and resource artifacts (CSAR Package) from SDC. This allows the RunTime DB to process the design-time Yang model artifacts onboarded. STEPS: (1) ONBOARDING - A vendor onboards artifacts describing the parameters supported for their PNFs and VNFs in xNF Package. (2) SDC CATALOG - The onboarded artifacts are stored in the SDC Catalog after onboarding and validated (VNF-SDK). (3) CSAR DISTRIBUTION - The contents of the artifacts are distributed by SDC in a CSAR package onto the DMaaP bus. (4) SETTING UP RUNTIME DB - S/W to setup the RunTime DB using the content of the CSAR package consumes the SDC CSAR Package. |
3. Run Time DB Component Description:
A more detailed figure and description of the component.
- INDEXING - Data Records will be indexed by xNF (VNF, PNF, ANF).
- RETRIEVAL - How are data records retrieved efficiently. This relates how the records are indexed.
4. Known system limitations
5. Used Models
RunTime DB uses the following models:
- Inventory Model (Run time platform data model)
6. System Deployment Architecture
7. New Capabilities in this Release
This release, RunTime DB adds the following Capabilities:
- In R6 Frankfurt.