Portal is a GUI platform that provides the ability to integrate different ONAP platform GUIs into a centralized portal.
It provides:
- The capability to allow other ONAP components to run within their own infrastructure while providing common management services and capabilities in a centralized way
- Provides common capabilities such as application on-boarding and management, centralized access management and hosting application widgets, Context-Aware UIControls, Visualization & Reporting Engine
- Provides SDK capabilities to access portal capabilities
Portal is used by:
- VID, Policy, AAI, SDC, MSB and CLI
In addition to regular user, there are admin roles available for Portal to perform some administrative activities of Portal itself and the administration of on-boarded apps.
From the ONAP Portal, administrators:
- access the same functionality accessible to users
- manage users and application admins
- onboard applications and widgets (developed using the Portal as a platform)
- edit the functional menu