Participant Name | Functional purpose | PoC handling |
YANG Model parser | Converts YANG models into java objects | Required |
YANG Data parser | Converts data compliant with a YANG model into java primitives, assists the CPS core | Required |
Model store | Keeps a local cache of the structures and relationships (generated from the YANG models) required by the CPS | Required |
SDC Model loader | Subscribes to DMaaP for CSAR publication. Parses and extracts the models from the CSAR and gives them to the mirror service | Not required |
Topology sync | Does initial sync and maintains an up to date view of the active topology state. Informs the mirror service of any changes | Not required |
Mirror service | Encapsulation of all model and data access that relates to xNF | Not required |
Mirror Data access | REST interface that provides access to xNF data | Not required |
CPS Core | Provides validation of and access to data. Is agnostic to the DB technology and schema | Required |
CPS Data access | Provides REST CRUD access to the data | Required |
CPS notification | Provides a DMaaP notification in the event that (1) data is changed and (2) it has been tagged/marked for notifcation | Required for stretch |
PostgreSQL plugin | Maps the java primitive representation of the YANG data objects to their DB technology (PostgreSQL) and schema specifics (SQL) | Required |
PostgreSQL | Database Management System for current data | Required |
Temporal [Stack] | Placeholder for logical components representing the temporal handling of data | Not required |
Temporal DB | Database Management System for temporal data | Not required |
The blue software encapsulates the handling of models and data related to xNF (mirrored data). This implementation is not required to prove the model driven aspects of the CPS.
The pink software encapsulates the integration with other data stores. This is being taken by the temporal DB PoC. This PoC needs to provide a feed of change notifications for any joint demonstrations. Configuring the parts of the model that will emit change notifications is part of the stretch goal.
Model handling
Below a simplified view of model handling artifacts and their relationships.