Group | Property name | Origin | Default | Description |
external_cert | image_tag | pluginglobal helm value | nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/org.onap.aaf.certservice.aaf-certservice-client:$VERSION | CertService client image name and version |
request_url | pluginglobal helm value | https://aaf-cert-service:8443/v1/certificate/ | URL to Cert Service API | |
timeoutplugin | global helm value | 30000 | Request timeout. Needs to be taken from global CMPv2 helm variable | |
countryplugin | global helm value | US | Country name inĀ ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format, for which certificate will be created. Needs to be taken from global CMPv2 helm variable | |
organizationplugin | global helm value | Linux-Foundation | Organization name, for which certificate will be created. Needs to be taken from global CMPv2 helm variable | |
stateplugin | global helm value | California | State name, for which certificate will be created. Needs to be taken from global CMPv2 helm variable | |
organizational_unit | pluginglobal helm value | ONAP | Organizational unit name, for which certificate will be created. Needs to be taken from global CMPv2 helm variable | |
locationplugin | global helm value | San-Francisco | Location name, for which certificate will be created. Needs to be taken from global CMPv2 helm variable |
Property name | Example | Description |
TRUSTSTORES | /etc/dcae/truststore.jks:/etc/dcae/truststore2cacert.p12pem:/etc/dcae/cacerttruststore2.pemp12 | List of truststores to be merged. Certificates from all provided truststores will be added to first provided truststore after success execution. |
TRUSTSTORES_PASSWORDS | /etc/dcae/truststore.pass::/etc/dcae/truststore2.pass:/etc/dcae/cacert.key | List of passwords to provided truststores - order must be the same as in truststores WARNING: PEM is not protected by password so its value should be empty |
Truststore merger flow
Gliffy | ||||||
Group | Property name | Origin | Default | Description |
external_cert | trust_merger_image_tag | pluginglobal helm value | nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/org.onap.dcae.trust-merger:$VERSION | Truststore merger image name and version |
Group | Property name | Default | Description |
properties: application_config | external_keystore_path | /opt/app/dcae-certificate/external_cert/keystore.jks | Path to keystore with external certificate |
external_keystore_password_path | /opt/app/dcae-certificate/external_cert/keystore.pass | Path to password for keystore with external certificate | |
external_truststore_path | /opt/app/dcae-certificate/external_cert/truststore.jks | Path to truststore with external trust anchors | |
external_truststore_password_path | /opt/app/dcae-certificate/external_cert/truststore.pass | Path to password for truststore with external trust anchors |