Current implementation relies on trust.jks being available. Following options to be explored
Option 1: Work/address issue around using cacert.pem for CBS connection (original proposal)
Option 2: Enabled use_tls: true for all DCAE MS deployment (in blueprint) to ensure all AAF cert/trust and distributed (regardless of the MS/component being setup as server or not)
Option 3: Modify K8s plugin to include trust.jks distribution by default along with cacert.pem
3/11 - New k8plugin released (2.0.0) and corresponding CM container released. Platform updates completed. Need test of HV_VES with new plugin - Piotr Wielebski
4/29, 4/1 - tested on HV-VES 1.4.0 - not working - Exception in thread "main" Could not read password from /etc/ves-hv/ssl/jks.pass
- jks.pass is distributed only when use_tls is set to true; need to be checked if app expects cert as server? Piotr Wielebski
Repo Branching
Branching/tagging completed for all DCAE repo except dcaegen2 (documentation)
Documentation repo branching targetted for
Committer must ensure new submissions are cherrypicked into Frankfurt branch
aaf_agent (2.1.20) changed in Frankfurt generates cert as non-root; need to assess impact to dcae TLS init (currently uses 2.1.15)
one option is for separate truststore for external (discussed under CMPv2)
resolve the ownership for current cert/truststore to non-root user (common onap usergroup + and add into separate container)
change aaf_agent to default to non-root
DCAE change to be assessed based on CMPv2 proposal; generic onap/usergroup to be discsussed with AAF team - Vijay Kumar
Certificate for components/instance (wild card support)
PMSH may need to support multiple instance per different usecase. The certificate generation should be supported at instance level (possible AAF dependency
4/29 - Policy may be using wildcard - *.pdp, *.pdp.onap.svc.cluster.local ; to be confirmed if supported from AAF currently - Vijay Kumar
2/20 -
Jira Legacy
System Jira
to track this request for DCAE; AAF dependency will be discussed post Frankfurt and corresponding AAF Jira to be created