- Amar requested reviews for the LF ONAP training course. Ramki, Gildas, and Chris agreed to help. Respond to his email directly if interested in participating.
- Parviz reported on the Tiger Team activities and plans leading into Casablanca.
- Much of the discussion focused around MEF (specifically, the Legato, Interlude, and Presto reference points).
- The team agreed that the External API project would consider Legato and Interlude
- There was some discussion around Presto. The team guidance was that this reference point would be between SDN-C and an external SDN controller. It would be a plugin, and would exist alongside other interfaces such as netconf.
- This could include the ODL Uni Manager plugin
- Implementation will be left to individual project teams
- Much of the discussion focused around MEF (specifically, the Legato, Interlude, and Presto reference points).
- Chris presented the VNFSDK M3 readout.
- Vimal requested that the team consider PNFs in the future.
- Chris responded that the team needs to get through several items on the backlog first, but we could consider it later.