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[dcaegen2] Team ONAP11, Wed UTC 14:30
Or Telephone:
Dial: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) or +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll)
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+1 877 369 0926 (US Toll Free)
Meeting ID: 824 147 956
International numbers available:
Host: Vijay Kumar
Discussion Topics:
This meeting will be for showcasing DCAE new features to the community; regular WEEKLY items/topics will be deferred to next meeting (04/29/2020)
Frankfurt Release Status
- RC0 EPIC - DCAEGEN2-2108 -
- DCAE Pair Wise Testing for Frankfurt Release
- CSIT failures -
- Review current list of release artifact version (screenshot provided at the bottom)
- Frankfurt EPIC progress :
- Outstanding gerrit -
DCAE Blockers/High priority
Jira Legacy | ||||||
DCAEGEN2-2194 runtTime 1.0.2 exception and import error
DCAEGEN2-2191 PH subscription error from Dmaap
DCAEGEN2-2193 During Deployment of Pm Mapper and Data File Collector fails in R6 release
Open items from last week
- DCAEGEN2-2170 Switch DCAE MOD components to non-root user (related to DCAEGEN2-2121)
- DCAEGEN2-2171 DL containers running as root(related to DCAEGEN2-2121) - 4/1 - WIP
- DCAEGEN2-2173,DCAEGEN2-2181, DCAEGEN2-2175 (PMSH) - Fiachra Corcoran will priortize and send email
- DCAEGEN2-2067 VESCollector API/spec updates under documentation.
- DCAEGEN2-2141 - Documentation warning
- AAF-1081 : Env issue; blocks DCAEGEN2-2042 Update DCAE certificates (Dashboard, PMSH SAN).
- 4/1 - PMSH documentation to include workaround steps.
- CLAMP-650 - CLAMP not supporting blueprints (PMSH) with postgres plugin (workaround will be to onboard policy separate and use dashboard/consul)
- Workaround will not involve CLAMP; so this defect/fix to be checked and moved to Guilin if still issue - David Farrelly
Candidates for new version updates for Frankfurt (as of 4/7); onap/org.onap.dcaegen2.deployments.k8s-bootstrap-container:1.12.5 to be released.
- Datalake Handler (1.0.2)
- PMSH 1.0.3
Further blueprint updates will be assessed case by case if bootstrap version release is required
4/1 - Frankfurt boot1.12.4 Bootstrap released (pending OOM approval)
- PMSH 1.0.2
- VES HTTP disabled
3/25 1.12.3 Merged - delivered to oom
- PMSH - Merged (1.12.2)
- SON_handler - Merged
- RESTConf - Merged (EL-Alto version) (1.12.3 - Release pending)
- DL-Handler - Merged (1.12.3)
- Heartbeat - Merged (EL-Alto version) (1.12.3 - Release pending)
- VES Mapper - Merged (EL-Alto version) (1.12.3 - Release pending)
- BBS_Eventprocessor - Merged (1.12.2)
- DFC - Merged
- VES 1.5.4 (1.12.3)
- TCAGen2 1.0.1 (1.12.3)
Reference : Blueprint management for Frankfurt - DCAEGEN2-2041
MS owners (for on-demand components) to update both WIKI and RTD for depoyment instructions.
Documentation status
- Deployment documentation (WIki) - DCAE R6 Service Component (On-demand) deployment Instruction
Review recent discussion on : and identify next step
Confluence: TLS support for CBS - Migration Plan
Current implementation relies on trust.jks being available. Following options to be explored
- Option 1: Work/address issue around using cacert.pem for CBS connection (original proposal)
- Option 2: Enabled use_tls: true for all DCAE MS deployment (in blueprint) to ensure all AAF cert/trust and distributed (regardless of the MS/component being setup as server or not)
- Option 3: Modify K8s plugin to include trust.jks distribution by default along with cacert.pem
Note: Current SDK change relies on Option#2
3/11 - New k8plugin released (2.0.0) and corresponding CM container released. Platform updates completed. Need test of HV_VES with new plugin - Piotr Wielebski
4/1 - tested on HV-VES 1.4.0 - not working - Exception in thread "main" Could not read password from /etc/ves-hv/ssl/jks.pass
- jks.pass is distributed only when use_tls is set to true; need to be checked if app expects cert as server? Piotr Wielebski
04/07 - Branching/tagging work to be started for all DCAE components/repo - expected to be completed by next week. Committer must ensure new submissions are cherrypicked into Frankfurt branch
- dcaegen2/analytics/tca
- dcaegen2/analytics/tca-gen2
- dcaegen2/collectors/datafile
- dcaegen2/collectors/hv-ves
- dcaegen2/collectors/restconf
- dcaegen2/collectors/snmptrap
- dcaegen2/collectors/ves
- dcaegen2/deployments
- dcaegen2/platform
- dcaegen2/platform/blueprints
- dcaegen2/platform/configbinding
- dcaegen2/platform/deployment-handler
- dcaegen2/platform/inventory-api
- dcaegen2/platform/plugins
- dcaegen2/platform/policy-handler
- dcaegen2/platform/servicechange-handler
- dcaegen2/services
- dcaegen2/services/heartbeat
- dcaegen2/services/mapper
- dcaegen2/services/pm-mapper
- dcaegen2/services/prh
- dcaegen2/services/sdk
- dcaegen2/services/son-handler
- dcaegen2/utils
Java 11 upgrade for remaining components (DCAEGEN2-1918)
Dmaap Plugin integration (DCAEGEN2-2015)
aaf_agent (2.1.20) changed in Frankfurt generates cert as non-root; need to assess impact to dcae TLS init (currently uses 2.1.15).
DCAE change will be done post Frankfurt; new userstory to be created - Vijay Kumar
PMSH may need to support multiple instance per different usecase. The certificate generation should be supported at instance level (possible AAF dependency
2/20 -
Jira Legacy | ||||||
Frankfurt Artifacts Release versions
Open Action Items
New Action items
Seeking Community support
JIRA cover broad aspect of standardizing DCAE component build process and docker tagging.
- Nokia team proposal identifies best practice for docker tagging optimized-dockers-jvm.pdf.
- Following components migrated to new docker tagging best-practice
- PM-Mapper
- Following components migrated to new docker tagging best-practice
New DCAE Feature | Description | Wiki Recording Slides |
PM-Subcription Handler Microservice | Presenter: @James Cuddy | Wiki : Demo video : Recording: Demo_Recording_PMSH.mp4 Slides: |
TCA-Gen2 Microservice | New dockerized standalone MS replacement for TCA-Cdap version. Supports multiple ONAP usecases (vFw, vDNS, vCPE) Presenter : Vijay Kumar | Wiki : TCA-Gen2 Deployment & Validation TCA-Gen2 Release documentation : Recording: Demo_Recording_TCAGen2.mp4 Slides: TCAgen2-DemoSlides.pdf |
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