Onboard ETSI SOL004 compliant VNF packages (ETSI Package Management)
Funding/Financial Impacts - Reduction in operations expense from using industry standard Interfaces.
Organization Mgmt, Sales Strategies -There is no additional organizational management or sales strategies for this requirement outside of a service providers "normal" ONAP deployment and its attendant organizational resources from a service provider.
Container Network Function Test Platform (CNTP)
Executive Summary - In ONAP, as part of Container Network Function (CNF) support, its mandatory to add enable the following testing/validation to make sure the given CNF is as per the need.
Design Time validation: When Operator on-board CNF as VSP in SDC, Operator wants to check the given CNF is confromance to their Operator Specific compliance such as security policies
- Run time validation: Once CNF is provisioned in ONAP, it needs to be validated for sanity check and required functioanlity check.
- Support LFN OVP 2.0 to support CNF conformance and CNF on-boarding vadlidations. (pre-on-boarding time)
More Details: OVP 2.0 CNF support in ONAP