Drawioborder true diagramName vnfsdk_r7 simpleViewer false width links auto tbstyle top lbox true diagramWidth 809 revision 2
Page Status: Copied from R6 - Mar, 22, 2020
border | true |
diagramName | vnfsdk_r7 |
simpleViewer | false |
width | |
links | auto |
tbstyle | top |
lbox | true |
diagramWidth | 809 |
revision | 2 |
Component Status: Pending PTL Updates and ArchCom Review
1. High Level Component Definition and Architectural Relationships
The VNF SDK provides the functionality to create VNF and PNF packages, test VNF and VNF ONAP compliance and provides market place functionality to store VNF and PNF packages. It supports:
The ability to create a HEAT and ETSI compliant (SOL004,SOL001) based VNF&PNF packages in a csar format.
Test VNFand PNF packages for ONAP compliance.
Upload and download VNF pages to/from a marketplace
In addition VNF SDK is used outside of ONAP by the LFN compliance and verification functionality.
2. VNFSDK API definitions
VNFSDK provides the following interfaces:
Interface Name | Interface Definition | Interface Capabilities |
VNFSDKE-1 | VNF Package Management Interface. Provides the VNF SDK as commands and client side language bindings. Enables use of VNF SDK functions from graphical user interfaces, shell scripts, programs and command line interfaces | A command interface for:
VNFSDKE-2 | Market Place GUI Provides the VNF SDK as commands and client side language bindings. Enables use of VNF SDK functions from graphical user interfaces, shell scripts, programs and command line interfaces | A user interface for:
VNFSDKE-3 | Market Place Exposed by the NF Marketplace as a programmatic API. Enables use of NF marketplace functions from command and graphical user interfaces. | VNFSKDE-3 provides the following capabilities
VNFSDKE4 | VNF Test Platform Exposed by the NF Marketplace as a programmatic API. Enables use of the NF Marketplace's PnP test framework for validation of uploaded VNF products. | An interface to:
Note: xxxI interface is a Component internal interface. xxxxE interface is a component external interface
The current API documents can be found at:
Market place API: Market Place
- Validcation Test API: Validation Test Platform
VNFSDK consumes the following Interfaces:
Interface Name | Purpose Reason For Use |
N/A | N/A |
3. Component Description:
A more detailed figure and description of the component.
<< For later inclusion >>
4. known system limitations
None known. Note, VNF-SDK is a design time component.
5. Used Models
VNFSDK uses the following models:
- VNF Package Model
- PNF Package Model
6. System Deployment Architecture
This needs to be checked
VNFSDKconsists of 3 components deployed in one container:
- VNF Test Platform
- Marketplace
- Package Builder
Drawio border true viewerToolbar true fitWindow false diagramName VNFSDK runtime architectrue simpleViewer false diagramWidth 231 revision 1
7. New Capabilities in this Release
This release, VNFSDK adds the following Capabilities:
- Enhanced VTP features to run test case(s) and track the results
- Add VVP support for HEAT based VNF validation
- Support PNF Package basic Validation
8. References
- VNF Package Tool: https://docs.onap.org/en/casablanca/submodules/vnfsdk/model.git/docs/files/pkgtool.html?highlight=VNFSDK
- Marketplace API: https://docs.onap.org/en/casablanca/submodules/vnfsdk/model.git/docs/files/vnfsdk-apis.html