For this POC, following VES message is assumed, and also includes configuration change payload (neighbor list change) highlighted in YELLOW below.
{ "event": { "commonEventHeader": { "version": "4.0.1", "vesEventListenerVersion": "7.0.1", "domain": "notification", "eventName": "Notif_RansimAgent-Wipro_RanPCIProblem", "eventId": "Notif000001", "sequence": 1, "priority": "High", "reportingEntityId": "de305d54-75b4-431b-adb2-eb6b9e546014", "reportingEntityName": "ncserver1", "sourceId": "cc305d54-75b4-431b-adb2-eb6b9e541234", "sourceName": "Chn0001", "startEpochMicrosec": 1451772223000000, "lastEpochMicrosec": 1451772403000000, "timeZoneOffset": "UTC-05:30", "nfNamingCode": "RansimAgent", "nfVendorName": "Wipro" }, "notificationFields": { "notificationFieldsVersion": "2.0", "changeType": "Neighbour list changed", "changeIdentifier": "ncserver1", "additionalFields": { "networkId": "NTWK005", "configurationChange": "{ \"fap-service-number-of-entries-changed\":1, \"fap-service\":[ { \"alias\":\"Chn0001\", \"cid\":\"Chn0001\", \"lte-cell-number-of-entries\":1, \"lte-ran-neighbor-list-in-use-lte-cell-changed\":[ { \"plmnid\":\"ran-1\", \"cid\":\"Chn0002\", \"phy-cell-id\":4, \"pnf-name\":\"ncserver1\", \"blacklisted\":false } ] } ] }" } } } } |
4. North-bound RPC YANG Model
The YANG model to support CM Notification for neighbor list change can be found at: https://gerrit.onap.org/r/gitweb?p=ccsdk/features.git;a=blob;f=sdnr/northbound/CMNotify/model/src/main/yang/CM-NOTIFY-API.yang;h=834dc71ec77d8aea450e389e77016e6f9a97fdd2;hb=refs/heads/master
The YANG tree is below, and it is expected that any configuration change payload in the DMAAP message aligns with this YANG model for efficient end to end system engineering.
module: CM-NOTIFY-API rpcs: |
5. DMAAP Message Format
DMAAP Message from VES Collector/DCAE or pertinent Micro Service to SDNR Indicating configuration change and the need to update RuntimeDB
Please note that YANG model for RPC is aligned with the payload included in the DMAAP message.
6. RuntimeDB/ConfigDB API Interaction