SO needs to update M4 score, Frankfurt Release Requirements, 2: Frankfurt Release Integration Testing Status
Provide Upgrade Capabilities... SO-2520 | Under Analysis |
SECCOM Perform Software Composition Analysis - Vulnerability tables
SECCOM Password removal from OOM HELM charts – This is being discussed with ATT team SO-2535SECCOM HTTPS communication vs. HTTP (Integration with AAF) – This is due for further confirmation of the role of AAF in F and further releasesPresentation and demo from Miroslaw Medrek on SOL002 adapter.
OJSI-110 - so-monitor exposes plain text HTTP endpoint using port 30224 UNDER REVIEW
OJSI-138 - so exposes plain text HTTP endpoint using port 30277 UNDER REVIEW
OJSI-169 - Port 30224 exposes unprotected service outside of cluster UNDER REVIEW
OJSI-203 - SO exposes unprotected APIs/UIs (CVE-2019-12128) UNDER REVIEW