- Startup
- Create docker network
- a static network setup with static IPs for the containers
- add name to hosts and use this names
- start docker - Simulator (e.g. Sim12600 with equipment)
- start docker - DB
- start docker - SDNC
- Create docker network
- Test steps
- mount sim12600
- Read over the RESTCONF Interface via data-provider the equipment
- Compare if it is the expected data
NTS Simulator
Instantiating NetConf simulators
- New NetConf simulators can be instantiated using the NTS Manager as follows -
- Create a mountpoint in SDNR to mount the NTS Manager with the following parameters -
- Name - "NTS Manager" (No double quotes. Any name is OK, see below)
- IP Address - NTS Manager Docker container IP or Host IP of the Docker container
- Port - NTS Manager Docker container port or the port mapped to the Host
- Username - netconf
- Password - netconf
- Next, Use any REST Client to send PUT requests
- Set the "content-type" to "Application/json"
- Copy the following json into the body of the REST request -
- Create a mountpoint in SDNR to mount the NTS Manager with the following parameters -
"simulator-config": {
"mounted-devices": 0,
"notification-config": {
"fault-notification-delay-period": 0,
"is-netconf-available": true,
"is-ves-available": true,
"ves-heartbeat-period": 0
"simulated-devices": 0, # Toggle this value between 0 and any number greater than 0 to create and remove docker containers that send pnfRegistration VES messages to a VES Collector whose IP is # configured using the "ves-endpoint-ip" field below
"ves-endpoint-details": {
"ves-endpoint-port": 8080,
"ves-registration": true,
"ves-endpoint-auth-method": "no-auth",
"ves-endpoint-ip": ""
"controller-details": {
"controller-ip": "",
"controller-port": 8181,
"controller-username": "admin",
"controller-password": "admin"
- Set the URL to - http://<SDNR-IP>:<SDNR-PORT>/restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/topology/topology-netconf/node/<NTS Manager Mountpoint Name>/yang-ext:mount/network-topology-simulator:simulator-config
- Submit the request
- A "docker ps" should display new docker container(s) created with 10 ports per container