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URL: /v2/projects/{project-name}/composite-apps/blue-app/{version}/traffic-intent-set/inbound-intents/ POST BODY: { "metadata": { "name": "<>" // unique name for each intent "description": "connectivity intent for stateless micro-service to stateless micro-serviceinbound communication" "userdata1": <>, "userdata2": <> } "spec": { // update the memory allocation for each field as per OpenAPI standards "application": "<app1>", "servicename": "<>httpbin" //actual name of the client service - {istioobject - serviceEntry of client's cluster} "externalName": "<>" // prefix to expose this service outside the clusterhttpbin.k8s.com" "protocol": "", // supported protocols are HTTP, TCP, UDP and HTTP2HTTP", "headless": "false", // default is false. Option "True" will make sure all the instances of the headless service will have access to the client service "mutualTLS": "MUTUAL", // default is simple. Option MUTUAL will enforce mtls {istioobject - destinationRule} "port" : "80", // port on which service is exposed as through servicemesh, not the port it is actually running on "serviceMesh": "istio", // get it from cluster record "sidecar-proxy": "yes", // The features (mTLS, LB, Circuit breaking) are not available to services without istio-proxy. Only inbound routing is possible. // Traffic management fields below are valid only if the sidecar-proxy is set to "yes" "traffic-management-info" : { // Traffic configuration - Loadbalancing is applicable per service. The traffic to this service is distrbuted amongst the pods under it. "loadbalancingType": "ConsistenHash", // "Simple" and "consistentHash" are the two modes - {istioobject - destinationRule} "loadBalancerMode": "httpCookie" // Modes for consistentHash - "httpHeaderName", "httpCookie", "useSourceIP", "minimumRingSize", Modes for simple - "LEAST_CONN", "ROUND_ROBIN", "RANDOM", "PASSTHROUGH" // choices of the mode must be explicit - {istioobject - destinationRule} "httpCookie": "user1" // Name of the cookie to maitain sticky sessions - {istioobject - destinationRule} // Circuit Breaking "maxConnections": ""10 //connection pool for tcp and http traffic - {istioobject - destinationRule} "concurrenthttp2Requests": ""1000 // concurent http2 requests which can be allowed - {istioobject - destinationRule} "httpRequestPerConnection": ""100 // number of http requests per connection. Valid only for http traffic - {istioobject - destinationRule} "consecutiveErrors": ""8 // Default is 5. Number of consecutive error before the host is removed - {istioobject - destinationRule} "baseEjectionTime" : ""15 // Default is 5, - {istioobject - destinationRule} "intervalSweep": ''5m, //time limit before the removed hosts are added back to the load balancing pool. - {istioobject - destinationRule} } // credentials for mTLS. "Servicecertificate" : "" // Present actual certificate here. "ServicePrivateKey" : "" // Present actual private key here. "caCertificate" : "" // present the trusted certificate to verify the client connection, Required only when mtls mode is MUTUAL // Access Control namespaces: [] // Workloads from this namespaces can access the inbound service - {istioobject - authorizationPolicy} serviceAccountAccess : {[ "SaDetails": ["ACTION": "URI"]} // {istioobject - authorizationPolicy, will be applied for the inbound service} verify the client connection, Required only when mtls mode is MUTUAL } } RETURN STATUS: 201 RETURN BODY: { "name": "<name>" "Message": "inbound service created" } |
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URL: /v2/projects/{project-name}/composite-apps/{compositeblue-app-name}/{version}/traffic-intent-set/{set-name}/us-to-usinbound-intents/<name> RETURN STATUS: 201 RETURN BODY: { "metadata": { "name": "<>" // unique name for each intent "description": "connectivity intent for stateless micro-service to stateless micro-service communication" "userdata1": <>, "userdata2": <> } "spec": { // update the memory allocation for each field as per OpenAPI standards "application": "<app1>", "servicename": "<>" //actual name of the client service - {istioobject - serviceEntry of client's cluster} "externalName": "<>" // prefix to expose this service outside the cluster "protocol": "", // supported protocols are HTTP, TCP, UDP and HTTP2 "headless": "", // default is false. Option "True" will make sure all the instances of the headless service will have access to the client service "mutualTLS": "", // default is simple. Option MUTUAL will enforce mtls {istioobject - destinationRule} "port" : "80", // port on which service is exposed as through servicemesh, not the port it is actually running on "serviceMesh": "istio", // get it from cluster record "sidecar-proxy": "yes", // The features (mTLS, LB, Circuit breaking) are not available to services without istio-proxy. Only inbound routing is possible. / Traffic management fields below are valid only if the sidecar-proxy is set to "yes" "traffic-management-info" : { // Traffic configuration - Loadbalancing is applicable per service. The traffic to this service is distrbuted amongst the pods under it. "loadbalancingType": "", // "Simple" and "consistentHash" are the two modes - {istioobject - destinationRule} "loadBalancerMode": "" // Modes for consistentHash - "httpHeaderName", "httpCookie", "useSourceIP", "minimumRingSize", Modes for simple - "LEAST_CONN", "ROUND_ROBIN", "RANDOM", "PASSTHROUGH" // choices of the mode must be explicit - {istioobject - destinationRule} "httpCookie": "user1" // Name of the cookie to maitain sticky sessions - {istioobject - destinationRule} // Circuit Breaking "maxConnections": "" //connection pool for tcp and http traffic - {istioobject - destinationRule} "concurrenthttp2Requests": "" // concurent http2 requests which can be allowed - {istioobject - destinationRule} "httpRequestPerConnection": "" // number of http requests per connection. Valid only for http traffic - {istioobject - destinationRule} "consecutiveErrors": "" // Default is 5. Number of consecutive error before the host is removed - {istioobject - destinationRule} "baseEjectionTime" : "" // Default is 5, - {istioobject - destinationRule} "intervalSweep": '', //time limit before the removed hosts are added back to the load balancing pool. - {istioobject - destinationRule} } // credentials for mTLS. "Servicecertificate" : "" // Present actual certificate here. "ServicePrivateKey" : "" // Present actual private key here. "caCertificate" : "" // present the trusted certificate to verify the client connection, Required only when mtls mode is MUTUAL // Access Control "namespaces": [] // Workloads from this namespaces can access the inbound service - {istioobject - authorizationPolicy} "serviceAccountAccess" : {[ "SaDetails": ["ACTION": "URI"]} // {istioobject - authorizationPolicy, will be applied for the inbound service} } } |
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DELETE URL: /v2/projects/{project-name}/composite-apps/{compositeblue-app-name}/{version}/traffic-intent-set/{set-name}/us-to-usinbound-intents/servicehttpbin<name> RETURN STATUS: 204 |
2. Outbound access