User documentation
The mediator is a piece of software to translate get and set requests between the SDN-Controller and the device. In our case, we translate from netconf to snmp and back. Additionally, the mediator is listening for snmp traps to push them forward to the SDN-Controller.
The UX Mediator is the graphical user interface to manage and operate one or more mediators.
The graphical user interface has a table view.The table view implements should have two main views.
One main view, the 'mediator server' view showing all available mediator servers.
A detail view, the 'mediator instances' view, which should get opened upon selecting a mediator server, showing all mediator instances of the given server.
Mediator server view
The mediator server view should show all mediator servers in a table, as seen in the picture below.
The table implements the common ux-framework-table supporting sorting, filtering and pagination. Each time, a request to the server is sent.
The view shows the below fields.table has the following columns:
- Name
- Url
- Actions
- Edit
- Remove
Editing a mediator server
The name and URL of a mediator server can be updated.
Adding a mediator server
A mediator server can be added via the '+' button in the right upper corner of the table.
To add a mediator server, the following mandatory input is required:
- name
- URL, which starts with http(s):
The database index is “mwtn” the doctype is “mediator-server”
The data-provider for getting all mediator servers is read-mediator-server-list
Mediator GUI:
Mediator instance view
If a mediator server in the table is selected, a detail view is opened.
In the detail view, one or more configurations can be added.
All configurations for the mediator server are displayed in a ux-framework-table.
Every configuration supports
The table has the following actions:columns:
- Mediator
- Status
- IP Adress
- Device
- Actions
- Start
- Stop
- Info
- Delete
The Status and Device column cannot be sorted or filtered. The mediator and IP Adress columns can be sorted and filtered.