To use DataLake, you need to have at least one of these systems ready. Once DataLake is deployed, you can configure Topic and storage in the DataLake Admin UI.
Deployment Steps
Deployment of dl-handler can be done using Dashboard UI or CloudifyUI or via CLI. Below steps are based on CLIDL-handler consists of two pods- the feeder and admin UI. It can be deployed by using cloudify Helm plug-in. Since the tiller IP address and port should be exposed and accessed by Helm, some additional configuration steps are needed. the detailed pre-configuration steps can be found in the Cloudify Helm Plugin wiki page.
Next, the cloudify input file of datalake should be placed into bootstrap pod. The input file can be found in ONAP git repository. Once you clone the repository, the blueprint file could be copied to the DCAE bootstrap pod through the command line.
- Transfer blueprint component file in DCAE bootstrap POD under /blueprints directory
- Transfer blueprint component inputs file in DCAE bootstrap POD under / directory
- Log-in to the DCAE bootstrap POD's main container
Validate blueprint
Code Block language bash theme Midnight title Validate Blueprint linenumbers true cfy blueprints validate /blueprints/k8s-dl-handler.yaml
Verify Plugin versions in target Cloudify instance match to blueprint imports
Code Block language bash theme Midnight title Verify Plugin version linenumbers true cfy plugins list
If the version of plugin used are different, update the blueprint import to match.
Deploy Service
Code Block language bash theme Midnight title Upload and deploy blueprint linenumbers true cfy install -b dl-handler -d dl-handler -i /k8s-dl-handler-inputs.yaml /blueprints/k8s-dl-handler.yaml