- AssignServiceInstanceBB
- CreateNetworkCollectionBB
- AssignNetworkBB
- AssignVnfBB
- AssignVolumeGroupBB
- AssignVfModuleBB
- AssignPnfBB
- WaitForPnfReadyBB
- ConfigAssignPnfBB (name yet to be determined, depending on the chosen solution)
- ConfigDeployPnfBB (name yet to be determined, depending on the chosen solution)
- ActivatePnfBB
- ConfigAssignVnfBB
- CreateNetworkBB
- ActivateNetworkBB
- CreateVolumeGroupBB
- ActivateVolumeGroupBB
- CreateVfModuleBB
- ActivateVfModuleBB
- ConfigDeployVnfBB
- ActivateVnfBB
- ActivateNetworkCollectionBB
- ActivateServiceInstanceBB
- required changes
API handler
SO API currently doesn't allow to send PNF information in user data section.
- PNF resources should be properly initialized in GeneralBuildingBlock->ServiceInstancein GeneralBuildingBlock→ServiceInstance
PNF PNP workflow integration with CDS
Gliffy | ||||||
VID - required changes
Updates for service macro instantiation: