Card |
default | true |
label | Installation |
| InstallationONAP is meant to be deployed within a Kubernetes environment. Hence, the de-facto way to deploy CDS is through Kubernetes. ONAP also package Kubernetes manifest as Chart, using Helm. Anchor |
| InstallationPrereq |
| InstallationPrereq |
Prerequisite Setup local Helm Code Block |
title | helm repo |
collapse | true |
| helm init --history-max 200 # To install tiller to target Kubernetes if not yet installed
helm serve &
helm repo add local |
Get the chart Make sure to checkout the release to use, by replacing $release-tag in bellow command Code Block |
title | git clone |
collapse | true |
| git clone
cd oom
git checkout tags/$release-tag
cd kubernetes
make common
make cds |
Anchor |
| InstallationCDS |
| InstallationCDS |
Install CDS Code Block |
title | helm install |
collapse | true |
| helm install --name cds cds |
Result Code Block |
title | kubectl output |
collapse | true |
| $ kubectl get all --selector=release=cds
pod/cds-blueprints-processor-54f758d69f-p98c2 0/1 Running 1 2m
pod/cds-cds-6bd674dc77-4gtdf 1/1 Running 0 2m
pod/cds-cds-db-0 1/1 Running 0 2m
pod/cds-controller-blueprints-545bbf98cf-zwjfc 1/1 Running 0 2m
service/blueprints-processor ClusterIP <none> 8080/TCP,9111/TCP 2m
service/cds NodePort <none> 3000:30397/TCP 2m
service/cds-db ClusterIP None <none> 3306/TCP 2m
service/controller-blueprints ClusterIP <none> 8080/TCP 2m
deployment.apps/cds-blueprints-processor 1 1 1 0 2m
deployment.apps/cds-cds 1 1 1 1 2m
deployment.apps/cds-controller-blueprints 1 1 1 1 2m
replicaset.apps/cds-blueprints-processor-54f758d69f 1 1 0 2m
replicaset.apps/cds-cds-6bd674dc77 1 1 1 2m
replicaset.apps/cds-controller-blueprints-545bbf98cf 1 1 1 2m
statefulset.apps/cds-cds-db 1 1 2m |
See also Running CDS in minikube instructions for installing CDS. |
Card |
API | API | | Anchor |
| SwaggerCan be found at http://$ip:$runtimePort/swagger-ui.html#/ NOTE: Swagger is currently disabled (since ElAlto). All endpoints require Basic Auth headerCDS APIs are not documented either anywhere yet.
Deck |
| | Card |
| The Designer API offers endpoints to perform CRUD operations on Blueprints, Model-Types and Data-Dictionaries. This documentationes applies to the Frankfurt release. .
Deck |
id | #desginer-api-endpoints |
| Anchor |
Designer-API | Designer-API | Card |
id | #designer-api-blueprint |
label | Blueprint |
| Anchor |
Blueprint-API | Blueprint-API | Card |
| Anchor |
Model-Type-API | Model-Type-API | Card |
| Anchor |
Designer-API-Data-Dictionary | Designer-API-Data-Dictionary | Code Block |
title | Get Dictionary By Name: /api/v1/dictionary/{name} |
collapse | true |
| Method: GET
Path: /api/v1/dictionary/{name}
Example success response
"name": "input-source",
"dataType": "string",
"entrySchema": null,
"resourceDictionaryGroup": "default",
"definition": {
"tags": "input-source",
"name": "input-source",
"property": {
"description": "name of the ",
"required": null,
"type": "string",
"status": null,
"constraints": null,
"metadata": null,
"value": null,
"default": null,
"entry_schema": null,
"external-schema": null
"group": "default",
"updated-by": "",
"sources": {
"input": {
"description": null,
"type": "source-input",
"metadata": null,
"directives": null,
"properties": {},
"attributes": null,
"capabilities": null,
"requirements": null,
"interfaces": null,
"artifacts": null,
"copy": null,
"node_filter": null
"description": "name of the ",
"tags": "input-source",
"creationDate": "2020-01-09T20:38:53.000Z",
"updatedBy": ""
} |
Code Block |
title | Save Dictionary: /api/v1/dictionary/definition |
collapse | true |
| Method: POST
Note: this operation will either insert or update
Example request:
"name": "input-source",
"property" :{
"description": "name of the ",
"type": "string"
"updated-by": "",
"tags": "input-source",
"sources": {
"input": {
"type": "source-input",
"properties": {
Example success response:
"tags": "input-source",
"name": "input-source",
"property": {
"description": "name of the ",
"required": null,
"type": "string",
"status": null,
"constraints": null,
"metadata": null,
"value": null,
"default": null,
"entry_schema": null,
"external-schema": null
"group": "default",
"updated-by": "",
"sources": {
"input": {
"description": null,
"type": "source-input",
"metadata": null,
"directives": null,
"properties": {},
"attributes": null,
"capabilities": null,
"requirements": null,
"interfaces": null,
"artifacts": null,
"copy": null,
"node_filter": null
Code Block |
title | Delete Dictionary: /api/v1/dictionary/{name} |
collapse | true |
| Method: DELETE
Path: /api/v1/dictionary/{name}
Card |
| Anchor |
| CDSDesignTime |
| CDSDesignTime |
CDS Design timeBellow are the requirements to enable automation for a service within ONAP. For instantiation, the goal is to be able to automatically resolve all the HEAT/Helm variables, called cloud parameters. For post-instantiation, the goal is to configure the VNF with initial configuration.
As part of SDC design time, when defining the topology, for the resource of type VF or PNF, you need to specify
Deck |
Card |
| Anchor |
| CDSDesignTimeHelpers |
| CDSDesignTimeHelpers |
Provide Helper scripts / tool to help with the design time activities Here's a helper script to facilitate the deployment of data-type, data-dictionary, CBA enrichment and CBA upload. Make sure to update the following parameters in the bellow script - NODE_IP: IP of one of the K8S cluster node
The script assume the following folder structure is in place, update the script accordingly to your environment Code Block |
└── service
├── cba
├── tmp
│ └── (temporary file)
│ └── (temporary file)
├── data-dictionary
└── data-type |
Note that before CDS can be used to enrich and load models, initial Data Types and Data Dictionary need to be loaded. CDS has some own default in-build Data Types and Data Dictionary but those are not loaded by default at startup. CDS Default types and dictionary can be loaded by using CDS GUI or using API call: Code Block |
curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Authorization: Basic Y2NzZGthcHBzOmNjc2RrYXBwcw==' -d '{
"loadModelType" : true,
"loadResourceDictionary" : true,
"loadCBA" : false
}' http://<kube node ip>:30499/api/v1/blueprint-model/bootstrap |
This will load Default Data Types 1 and Default Data Dictionary 2 but not demo CBA models (as 'loadCBA' is set to false).
Code Block |
language | bash |
title | CBA Helper script |
collapse | true |
| #!/bin/sh
for f in $DT_PATH/*.json; do
echo "Pushing model-type '$f'"
curl -sS -X POST $URL_DT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Basic Y2NzZGthcHBzOmNjc2RrYXBwcw==' -d "@$f"
echo " "
for f in $DD_PATH/*.json; do
echo "Pushing data dictionary '$f'"
curl -sS -X POST $URL_DD -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Basic Y2NzZGthcHBzOmNjc2RrYXBwcw==' -d "@$f"
echo " "
[ -f "$CBA_ZIP" ] && rm "$CBA_ZIP"
pushd $CBA_PATH
zip -uqr $CBA_ZIP . --exclude=*.git*
echo "Doing enrichment..."
curl -sS -X POST $URL_ENRICH -H 'content-type: multipart/form-data' -H 'Authorization: Basic Y2NzZGthcHBzOmNjc2RrYXBwcw==' -F file=@$CBA_ZIP -o $CBA_ZIP_ENRICHED
echo "Publishing..."
curl -X POST $URL_PUBLISH -H 'content-type: multipart/form-data' -H 'Authorization: Basic Y2NzZGthcHBzOmNjc2RrYXBwcw==' -F file=@$CBA_ZIP_ENRICHED
With CBA Helper script user can load own CBA model and also own Data Types (API: /api/v1/model-type) and own Data Dictionary (API: /api/v1/dictionary) into CDS. NOTE: CDS default Data types 1) and Data Dictionary 2) files cannot be loaded into CDS by using CDS's APIs, only CDS can load that format of files. File format supported by /api/v1/model-type and /api/v1/dictionary APIs is not documented anywhere yet.
Card |
default | true |
label | Prerequisite |
| Anchor |
| CDSDesignTimePrereq |
| CDSDesignTimePrereq |
Prerequisite- CDS runtime needs to be loaded with Data Types and Data Dictionary before starting modeling (enrichment). This can be done in CDS GUI or using API /api/v1/blueprint-model/bootstrap.
Gather the parameters: Deck |
Card |
| Have the HEAT template along with the HEAT environment file. or Have the Helm chart along with the Values.yaml file (Integration between Multicloud and CDS TBD) |
Card |
| Have the configuration template to apply on the VNF. - XML for NETCONF
- JSON for Ansible
- ...
- Identify which template parameters are static and dynamic
Create and fill-in the a table for all the dynamic values While doing so, identify the resources using the same process to be resolved; for instance, if two IPs has to be resolved through the same IPAM, the process the resolve the IP is the same. Here are the information to capture for each dynamic cloud parameters Parameter Name | Data Dictionary Resource source | Data Dictionary Ingredients for resolution | Output of resolution |
Either the cloud parameters name or the placeholder given for the dynamic property. |
Deck |
Card |
| Value will be given as input in the request. |
Card |
| Value will be defaulted in the model. |
Card |
| Value will be resolved by sending a query to the REST system
Auth | URL | URI | Payload | VERB |
Supported Auth type Deck |
Card |
| Use token based authentication |
Card |
| Use basic authentication |
Card |
| Use SSL basic authentication - keystore type
- truststore
- truststore password
- keystore
- keystore password
| http(s)://<host>:<port> | /xyz | JSON formatted payload | HTTP method |
Card |
| Value will be resolved by sending a SQL statement to the DB system
Card |
| Value will be resolved through the execution of a script. |
| These are all the required parameters to process the resolution of that particular resources. Deck |
Card |
| List of placeholders used for |
Card |
| List of placeholders used for |
| This is the expected result from the system, and you should know what value out of the response is of interest for you. If it's a JSON payload, then you should think about the json path to access to value of interest. |
Card |
| Anchor |
| CDSDesignTimeDD |
| CDSDesignTimeDD |
Data dictionaryWhat is a data dictionary? For each unique identified dynamic resource, along with all their ingredients, we need to create a data dictionary. Here are the modeling guideline: Modeling Concepts#resourceDefinition-modeling
Bellow are examples of data dictionary
Deck |
Card |
| Anchor |
| CDSDesignTimeDDInput |
| CDSDesignTimeDDInput |
Value will be pass as input. Code Block |
theme | Eclipse |
title | unit-number |
| {
"tags": "unit-number",
"name": "unit-number",
"property": {
"description": "unit-number",
"type": "string"
"updated-by": "adetalhouet",
"sources": {
"input": {
"type": "source-input"
} |
Card |
| Anchor |
| CDSDesignTimeDDDefault |
| CDSDesignTimeDDDefault |
Value will be defaulted. Code Block |
theme | Eclipse |
title | prefix-id |
| {
"tags": "prefix-id",
"name": "prefix-id",
"property" :{
"description": "prefix-id",
"type": "integer"
"updated-by": "adetalhouet",
"sources": {
"default": {
"type": "source-default"
} |
Card |
| Anchor |
| CDSDesignTimeDDRest |
| CDSDesignTimeDDRest |
Value will be resolved through REST. Modeling reference: Modeling Concepts#rest
Panel |
title | primary-config-data via rest source type |
| In this example, we're making a POST request to an IPAM system with no payload. Some ingredients are required to perform the query, in this case, $prefixId . Hence It is provided as an input-key-mapping and defined as a key-dependencies. Please refer to the modeling guideline for more in depth understanding. As part of this request, the expected response will be as bellow. What is of interest is the address field, as this is what we're trying to resolve. Code Block |
theme | Eclipse |
title | response |
collapse | true |
| {
"id": 4,
"address": "",
"vrf": null,
"tenant": null,
"status": 1,
"role": null,
"interface": null,
"description": "",
"nat_inside": null,
"created": "2018-08-30",
"last_updated": "2018-08-30T14:59:05.277820Z"
} |
To tell the resolution framework what is of interest in the response, the path property can be used, which uses JSON_PATH, to get the value. Code Block |
theme | Eclipse |
title | create_netbox_ip_address |
| {
"tags" : "oam-local-ipv4-address",
"name" : "create_netbox_ip",
"property" : {
"description" : "netbox ip",
"type" : "string"
"updated-by" : "adetalhouet",
"sources" : {
"sdnc" : {
"type" : "source-rest",
"properties" : {
"type" : "JSON",
"verb" : "POST",
"endpoint-selector" : "ipam-1",
"url-path" : "/api/ipam/prefixes/$prefixId/available-ips/",
"path" : "/address",
"input-key-mapping" : {
"prefixId" : "prefix-id"
"output-key-mapping" : {
"address" : "address"
"key-dependencies" : [ "prefix-id" ]
} |
Card |
| Anchor |
| CDSDesignTimeDDDB |
| CDSDesignTimeDDDB |
Value will be resolved through a database. Modeling reference: Modeling Concepts#sql In this example, we're making a SQL to the primary database. Some ingredients are required to perform the query, in this case, $vfmoudleid . Hence It is provided as an input-key-mapping and defined as a key-dependencies. Please refer to the modeling guideline for more in depth understanding. As part of this request, the expected response will be as put in value . In the output-key-mapping section, that value will be mapped to the expected resource name to resolve. Code Block |
theme | Eclipse |
title | vf-module-type |
| {
"name": "vf-module-type",
"tags": "vf-module-type",
"property": {
"description": "vf-module-type",
"type": "string"
"updated-by": "adetalhouet",
"sources": {
"primary-db": {
"type": "source-db",
"properties": {
"type": "SQL",
"query": "select sdnctl.demo.value as value from sdnctl.demo where",
"input-key-mapping": {
"vfmoduleid": "vf-module-number"
"output-key-mapping": {
"vf-module-type": "value"
"key-dependencies": [
} |
Card |
| Anchor |
| CDSDesignTimeDDScript |
| CDSDesignTimeDDScript |
Value will be resolved through the execution of a script. Modeling reference: Modeling Concepts#Capability In this example, we're making use of a Python script. Some ingredients are required to perform the query, in this case, $vf-module-type . Hence It is provided as a key-dependencies. Please refer to the modeling guideline for more in depth understanding. As part of this request, the expected response will set within the script itself. Code Block |
theme | Eclipse |
title | interface-description |
| {
"tags": "interface-description",
"name": "interface-description",
"property": {
"description": "interface-description",
"type": "string"
"updated-by": "adetalhouet",
"sources": {
"capability": {
"type": "source-capability",
"properties": {
"script-type": "jython",
"script-class-reference": "Scripts/python/",
"key-dependencies": [
} |
The script itself is as bellow. The key is to have the script class derived from the framework standards. In the case of resource resolution, the class to derive from is AbstractRAProcessor It will give the required methods to implement: process and recover , along with some utility functions, such as set_resource_data_value or addError . These functions either come from the AbstractRAProcessor class, or from the class it derived from. If the resolution fail, the recover method will get called with the exception as parameter. Code Block |
theme | Eclipse |
title | Scripts/python/ |
collapse | true |
| # Copyright (c) 2019 Bell Canada.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from abstract_ra_processor import AbstractRAProcessor
from blueprint_constants import *
from java.lang import Exception as JavaException
class DescriptionExample(AbstractRAProcessor):
def process(self, resource_assignment):
# get key-dependencies value
value = self.raRuntimeService.getStringFromResolutionStore("vf-module-type")
# logic based on key-dependency outcome
result = ""
if value == "vfw":
result = "This is the Virtual Firewall entity"
elif value == "vsn":
result = "This is the Virtual Sink entity"
elif value == "vpg":
result = "This is the Virtual Packet Generator"
# set the value of resource getting currently resolved
self.set_resource_data_value(resource_assignment, result)
except JavaException, err:
log.error("Java Exception in the script {}", err)
except Exception, err:
log.error("Python Exception in the script {}", err)
return None
def recover(self, runtime_exception, resource_assignment):
print self.addError(runtime_exception.getMessage())
return None
Card |
| Anchor |
| CDSDesignTimeDDComplexType |
| CDSDesignTimeDDComplexType |
Value will be resolved through REST., and output will be a complex type. Modeling reference: Modeling Concepts#rest In this example, we're making a POST request to an IPAM system with no payload. Some ingredients are required to perform the query, in this case, $prefixId . Hence It is provided as an input-key-mapping and defined as a key-dependencies. Please refer to the modeling guideline for more in depth understanding. As part of this request, the expected response will be as bellow. Code Block |
theme | Eclipse |
title | response |
collapse | true |
| {
"id": 4,
"address": "",
"vrf": null,
"tenant": null,
"status": 1,
"role": null,
"interface": null,
"description": "",
"nat_inside": null,
"created": "2018-08-30",
"last_updated": "2018-08-30T14:59:05.277820Z"
} |
What is of interest is the address and id fields. For the process to return these two values, we need to create a custom data-type, as bellow Code Block |
title | dt-netbox-ip |
collapse | true |
| {
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "This is Netbox IP Data Type",
"properties": {
"address": {
"required": true,
"type": "string"
"id": {
"required": true,
"type": "integer"
"derived_from": "tosca.datatypes.Root"
} |
The type of the data dictionary will be dt-netbox-ip . To tell the resolution framework what is of interest in the response, the output-key-mapping section is used. The process will map the output-key-mapping to the defined data-type. Code Block |
theme | Eclipse |
title | create_netbox_ip_address |
| {
"tags" : "oam-local-ipv4-address",
"name" : "create_netbox_ip",
"property" : {
"description" : "netbox ip",
"type" : "dt-netbox-ip"
"updated-by" : "adetalhouet",
"sources" : {
"sdnc" : {
"type" : "source-rest",
"properties" : {
"type" : "JSON",
"verb" : "POST",
"endpoint-selector" : "ipam-1",
"url-path" : "/api/ipam/prefixes/$prefixId/available-ips/",
"path" : "",
"input-key-mapping" : {
"prefixId" : "prefix-id"
"output-key-mapping" : {
"address" : "address",
"id" : "id"
"key-dependencies" : [ "prefix-id" ]
} |
Card |
| Anchor |
CBA scaffholdingThe overall purpose of the document is the constituate a CBA, see Modeling Concepts#ControllerBlueprintArchive for understanding of what a CBA is. Now is the time to create the scaffholfing for your CBA. What you will need is the following based directory/file structure: Code Block |
├── Definitions
│ └── blueprint.json Overall TOSCA service template (worfklow + node_template)
├── Environments Contains *.properties files as required by the service
├── Plans Contains Directed Graph
├── Scripts Contains scripts
│ ├── python Python scripts
│ └── kotlin Kotlin scripts
├── TOSCA-Metadata
│ └── TOSCA.meta Meta-data of overall package
└── Templates Contains combination of mapping and template |
The TOSCA.meta should have this information Code Block |
TOSCA-Meta-File-Version: 1.0.0
CSAR-Version: 1.0
Created-By: Alexis de Talhouët (
Entry-Definitions: Definitions/blueprint.json <- Path reference to the blueprint.json file. If the file name is changed, change here accordinlgy.
Template-Tags: ONAP, CBA, Test
Content-Type: application/vnd.oasis.bpmn
Template-Name: <Name of the template>
Template-Version: <Version> |
The blueprint.json should have the following metadata Code Block |
"metadata": {
"template_author": "Alexis de Talhouët",
"author-email": "",
"user-groups": "ADMIN, OPERATION",
"template_name": "golden", <- This is the overall CBA name, will be refer later to sdnc_blueprint_name
"template_version": "1.0.0", <- This is the overall CBA version, will be refer later to sdnc_blueprint_version
"template_tags": "ONAP, CBA, Test"
. . . |
Card |
label | ONAP Specific Workflows |
| Anchor |
| ONAP Specific Workflows |
| ONAP Specific Workflows |
ONAP Specific WorkflowsThe following workflows are contracts established between SO, SDNC and CDS to cover the instantiation and the post-instantiation use cases. Code Block |
User -> SO (Macro Service Create)
SO -> AssignBB (service, vnf, vf-module) - instantiation
-> CDS (resource-assignment workflow)
SO -> ConfigAssignBB - day0 config assign
-> CDS (config-assign workflow)
SO -> CreateBB (VF-Module)
-> OpenStack adapter / Multi-Cloud
SO -> ConfigDeployBB - day0 config push
-> CDS (config-deploy workflow) |
Please refer to the modeling guide to understand workflow concept: Modeling Concepts#workflow The workflow definition will be added within the blueprint.json file, see CBA scaffholding.
Deck |
Card |
| resource-assignmentThis action is meant to assign resources needed to instantiate the service, e.g. to resolve all the cloud parameters. Also, this action has the ability to perform a dry-run, meaning that result from the resolution will be made visible to the user.
ContextThis action is triggered by Generic-Resource-API (GR-API) within SDNC as part of the AssignBB orchestrated by SO. It will be triggered for each VNF(s) and VF-Module(s) (referred as entity bellow). See SO Building blocks Assignment. TemplatesUnderstand resource accumulator templatesThese templates are specific to the instantiation scenario, and relies on GR-API within SDNC. The resource accumulator template is composed of the following sections: Anchor |
| raTemplatesRA |
| raTemplatesRA |
Defines all the resources that can be resolved directly from the context. It expresses a direct mapping between the name of the resource and its value. Code Block |
title | RA resolved data |
collapse | true |
| "resource-accumulator-resolved-data": [
"param-name": "service-instance-id",
"param-value": "${service-instance-id}"
"param-name": "vnf_id",
"param-value": "${vnf-id}"
] |
Anchor |
| raTemplatesCD |
| raTemplatesCD |
Defines the logic to use to create a specific resource, along with the ingredients required to invoke the capability and the output mapping. See the ingredients as function parameters, and output mapping as returned value. The logic to resolve the resource is a DG, hence DG development is required to support a new capability. Currently the following capabilities exist: Anchor |
| raTemplatesRequired |
| raTemplatesRequired |
Required templatesSee Modeling Concepts#template The name of the templates is very important, and can't be random. Bellow are the requirements VNFThe VNF Resource Accumulator Template prefix name can be anything, but what is very important is that when integrating with SDC the sdnc_artifact_name property of the VF or PNF needs to be the same; see here. VF-ModulesEach vf-module will have its own resource accumulator template, and its prefix name must be the vf-module-label, which is nothing but the name of the HEAT file defining the OS::Nova::Server Example: If the file is name vfw.yaml, the vf-module-label will be vfw For instance, with the vFW service HEAT definition, you will see in the VSP within SDC the following screen, showing you the label of each vf-module In this case, we will have 4 resource accumulator templates, following the template convention, hence ending with -template - base_template-template.vtl
- vfw-template.vtl
- vsn-template.vtl
- vpg-template.vtl
Expand |
| 
Anchor |
| raTemplatesMapping |
| raTemplatesMapping |
MappingEach template requires its associated mapping file, see Modeling Concepts#ArtifactMappingResource Example: Taking the same vFW example, we would have 4 mapping template following the convention, hence ending with -mapping: - base_template-mapping.vtl
- vfw-mapping.vtl
- vsn-mapping.vtl
- vpg-mapping.vtl
Property | Description | Definition |
template-prefix | SDNC will populate this input with the name of the template to execute. If doing VNF Assign, it will use sdnc_artifact_name as template-prefix. If doing VF-Module Assign, it will use the vf-module-label as template-prefix. |
Code Block |
"template-prefix" : {
"required" : true,
"type" : "list",
"entry_schema" : {
"type" : "string"
} |
OutputIt is necessary to provide the resolved template as output. To do so, we will use the Modeling Concepts#getAttribute expression. Also, as mentioned here Modeling Concepts#resourceResolution, the resource resolution component node will populate an attribute named assignment-params with the result. Finally, the name of the ouput has to be meshed-template so SDNC GR-API knows how to properly parse the response. ComponentThis action requires a node_template of type component-resource-resolution The name of the node_template is important, as it will be used within the Workflow definition (see property Modeling Concepts#workflowProperties) Finally, you can see the component has a list of artifacts, being the template/mapping defined before. Example: Taking the same vFW example, we have a node_template name resource-assignment: Code Block |
| "node_templates": {
"resource-assignment" : {
"type" : "component-resource-resolution",
"interfaces" : {
"ResourceResolutionComponent" : {
"operations" : {
"process" : {
"inputs" : {
"artifact-prefix-names" : {
"get_input" : "template-prefix"
"artifacts": {
"base-template": {
"type": "artifact-template-velocity",
"file": "Templates/base-template.vtl"
"base-mapping": {
"type": "artifact-mapping-resource",
"file": "Templates/base-mapping.json"
"vfw-template": {
"type": "artifact-template-velocity",
"file": "Templates/vfw-template.vtl"
"vfw-mapping": {
"type": "artifact-mapping-resource",
"file": "Templates/vfw-mapping.json"
"vfw-vnf-template": {
"type": "artifact-template-velocity",
"file": "Templates/vfw-vnf-template.vtl"
"vfw-vnf-mapping": {
"type": "artifact-mapping-resource",
"file": "Templates/vfw-vnf-mapping.json"
"vpg-template": {
"type": "artifact-template-velocity",
"file": "Templates/vpg-template.vtl"
"vpg-mapping": {
"type": "artifact-mapping-resource",
"file": "Templates/vpg-mapping.json"
"vsn-template": {
"type": "artifact-template-velocity",
"file": "Templates/vsn-template.vtl"
"vsn-mapping": {
"type": "artifact-mapping-resource",
"file": "Templates/vsn-mapping.json"
} |
Overall workflow example w/ component and artifact Code Block |
theme | Eclipse |
title | resource-assignment |
collapse | true |
| {
"metadata": {
"template_author": "Alexis de Talhouët",
"author-email": "",
"user-groups": "ADMIN, OPERATION",
"template_name": "vFW_spinup",
"template_version": "1.0.0",
"template_tags": "vFW"
"topology_template": {
"workflows": {
"resource-assignment": {
"steps": {
"resource-assignment": {
"description": "Resource Assign Workflow",
"target": "resource-assignment"
"inputs" : {
"template-prefix" : {
"required" : true,
"type" : "list",
"entry_schema" : {
"type" : "string"
"outputs": {
"meshed-template": {
"type": "json",
"value": {
"get_attribute": [
"node_templates": {
"resource-assignment" : {
"type" : "component-resource-resolution",
"interfaces" : {
"ResourceResolutionComponent" : {
"operations" : {
"process" : {
"inputs" : {
"artifact-prefix-names" : {
"get_input" : "template-prefix"
"artifacts": {
"base-template": {
"type": "artifact-template-velocity",
"file": "Templates/base-template.vtl"
"base-mapping": {
"type": "artifact-mapping-resource",
"file": "Templates/base-mapping.json"
"vfw-template": {
"type": "artifact-template-velocity",
"file": "Templates/vfw-template.vtl"
"vfw-mapping": {
"type": "artifact-mapping-resource",
"file": "Templates/vfw-mapping.json"
"vfw-vnf-template": {
"type": "artifact-template-velocity",
"file": "Templates/vfw-vnf-template.vtl"
"vfw-vnf-mapping": {
"type": "artifact-mapping-resource",
"file": "Templates/vfw-vnf-mapping.json"
"vpg-template": {
"type": "artifact-template-velocity",
"file": "Templates/vpg-template.vtl"
"vpg-mapping": {
"type": "artifact-mapping-resource",
"file": "Templates/vpg-mapping.json"
"vsn-template": {
"type": "artifact-template-velocity",
"file": "Templates/vsn-template.vtl"
"vsn-mapping": {
"type": "artifact-mapping-resource",
"file": "Templates/vsn-mapping.json"
} |
Anchor |
| raAddCapability |
| raAddCapability |
Add a new capabilityWhen adding a capability, consider whether it should be available both at VNF and VF-Module level. This is important for its implementation. Here is the You need to do the following: - Create the DG that will handle the logic to resolve the resource
Load the DG within SDNC Code Block |
title | Example of script to automate deployment of DG |
collapse | true |
| #!/bin/sh
# This script takes care of loading the DG into the runtime of SDNC.
# The DG file name has to follow this pattern:
# GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_{rpc_name}_{version}
usage() {
echo "./ <dg>"
if [[ -z $1 ]]
rpc_name=`echo "$1" | cut -d'_' -f2 | cut -d'.' -f1`
version=`echo "$1" | cut -d'_' -f3`
content=`cat $1`
data="$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w %{url_effective} --get --data-urlencode "$content" "")"
echo -e "module=GENERIC-RESOURCE-API&rpc=$rpc_name&flowXml=$dg_xml_escaped" > payload
echo -e " Installing $rpc_name version ${version%.*}"
curl -X POST \
http://$ip:$SDNC_NODE_PORT/uploadxml \
-H 'Authorization: Basic ZGd1c2VyOnRlc3QxMjM=' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
-d @payload
rm payload
echo -e " Activating $rpc_name version ${version%.*}"
curl -X GET \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Basic ZGd1c2VyOnRlc3QxMjM=' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
Add the capability in the self-serve-vnf-assign DG and/or self-serve-vf-module-assign in the node named set ss.capability.execution-order[] then upload the updated version of this DG. When doing so, make sure to increment the last parameter ss.capability.execution-order_length Expand |
| 
Understand overall SDNC DG flow logicLogic for vnf and vf-module assignement is pretty much the same. This is the general DG logic of the VNF assign flow and sub-flows: - call
vnf-topology-operation - call
vnf-topology-operation-assign - call
self-serve-vnf-assign - set capability.execution-order
- call
self-serve-vnf-ra-assignment - execute REST call to CDS blueprint processor
- put resource-accumulator-resolved-data in MDSAL GR-API/services/service/$serviceInstanceId/vnfs/vnf/$vnfId
- call
self-serve- + capability-name - put vnf information in AAI (including the selflink)
- call
naming-policy-generate-name - put generic-vnf relationship in AAI
This is the general logic of the vf-module assign flow and sub-flows: - call
vf-module-topology-operation - call
vf-module-topology-operation-assign - set service-data based on SO request (userParams / cloudParams)
- call
self-serve-vf-module-assign - set capability.execution-order
- call self-serve-vfmodule-ra-assignment
- execute REST call to CDS blueprint processor
- put resource-accumulator-resolved-data in MDSAL GR-API/services/service/$serviceInstanceId/vnfs/vnf/$vnfId/vf-modules/vf-module
- call
self-serve- + capability-name
- put vf-module information in AAI
- put vnfc information in AAI
Card |
| config-assignThis action is meant to assign all the resources and generate the configuration to apply post-instantiation (day0 config). Anchor |
| ConfigAssignContext |
| ConfigAssignContext |
ContextThis action is triggered by SO after the AssignBB has been executed for Service, VNF and VF-Module. It corresponds to the ConfigAssignVnfBB. See SO Building blocks Assignment. Anchor |
| ConfigAssignTemplates |
| ConfigAssignTemplates |
TemplatesFor this action, you can define as many template as needed. Make sure for each template to follow the convention and to provide the mapping file, as follow: - xyz-template.vtl
- xyz-mapping.vtl
Anchor |
| ConfigAssignInputs |
| ConfigAssignInputs |
Property | Description | Definitions |
template-prefix | Name of the template-prefix to resolve. |
Code Block |
"template-prefix" : {
"required" : true,
"type" : "list",
"entry_schema" : {
"type" : "string"
} |
| resolution-key | The functionality requires the ability to retrieve the resolution that has been made later point in time in the process, during config-deploy action. |
Code Block |
"resolution-key" : {
"required" : true,
"type" : "string"
} |
Anchor |
| ConfigAssignOutput |
| ConfigAssignOutput |
OutputIn order to perform dry-run, it is necessary to provide the meshed resolved template as output. To do so, the use of Modeling Concepts#getAttribute expression is required. Also, as mentioned here Modeling Concepts#resourceResolution, the resource resolution component node will populate an attribute named assignment-params with the result. Anchor |
| ConfigAssignComponent |
| ConfigAssignComponent |
ComponentThis action requires a node_template of type component-resource-resolution The name of the node_template is important, as it will be used within the Workflow definition (see property Modeling Concepts#workflowProperties) Finally, you can see the component has a list of artifacts, being the template/mapping defined before. Example: Taking the vDNS example, we have a node_template name config-assign: Code Block |
| "config-assign" : {
"type" : "component-resource-resolution",
"interfaces" : {
"ResourceResolutionComponent" : {
"operations" : {
"process" : {
"inputs" : {
"resolution-key" : {
"get_input" : "resolution-key"
"store-result" : true,
"artifact-prefix-names" : [ "baseconfig", "incremental-config" ]
"artifacts" : {
"baseconfig-template" : {
"type" : "artifact-template-velocity",
"file" : "Templates/baseconfig-template.vtl"
"baseconfig-mapping" : {
"type" : "artifact-mapping-resource",
"file" : "Templates/baseconfig-mapping.json"
"incremental-config-template" : {
"type" : "artifact-template-velocity",
"file" : "Templates/incremental-config-template.vtl"
"incremental-config-mapping" : {
"type" : "artifact-mapping-resource",
"file" : "Templates/incremental-config-mapping.json"
}, |
Anchor |
| ConfigAssignExample |
| ConfigAssignExample |
Overall workflow example w/ component and artifactHere is an example of the config-assign workflow: Code Block |
theme | Eclipse |
title | config-assign |
collapse | true |
| {
"tosca_definitions_version": "controller_blueprint_1_0_0",
"metadata": {
"template_author": "Abdelmuhaimen Seaudi",
"author-email": "",
"user-groups": "ADMIN, OPERATION",
"template_name": "test",
"template_version": "1.0.0",
"template_tags": "test, vDNS-CDS, SCALE-OUT, MARCO"
"topology_template": {
"workflows": {
"config-assign": {
"steps": {
"config-assign": {
"description": "Config Assign Workflow",
"target": "config-assign"
"inputs": {
"resolution-key": {
"required": true,
"type": "string"
"config-assign-properties": {
"description": "Dynamic PropertyDefinition for workflow(config-assign).",
"required": true,
"type": "dt-config-assign-properties"
"outputs": {
"dry-run": {
"type": "json",
"value": {
"get_attribuxte": [
"node_templates": {
"config-assign": {
"type": "component-resource-resolution",
"interfaces": {
"ResourceResolutionComponent": {
"operations": {
"process": {
"inputs": {
"resolution-key": {
"get_input": "resolution-key"
"store-result": true,
"artifact-prefix-names": [
"artifacts": {
"baseconfig-template": {
"type": "artifact-template-velocity",
"file": "Templates/baseconfig-template.vtl"
"baseconfig-mapping": {
"type": "artifact-mapping-resource",
"file": "Templates/baseconfig-mapping.json"
"incremental-config-template": {
"type": "artifact-template-velocity",
"file": "Templates/incremental-config-template.vtl"
"incremental-config-mapping": {
"type": "artifact-mapping-resource",
"file": "Templates/incremental-config-mapping.json"
} |
Card |
| config-deployThis action is meant to push the configuration templates defined during the config-assign step for the post-instantiation. This action is triggered by SO after the CreateBB has been executed for all the VF-Modules. Anchor |
| ConfigDeployContext |
| ConfigDeployContext |
ContextThis action is triggered by SO after the CreateVnfBB has been executed. It corresponds to the ConfigDeployBB. See SO Building blocks Assignment. Anchor |
| ConfigDeployTemplates |
| ConfigDeployTemplates |
TemplatesIf need be, some template can be defined. They can either be resolved through the a node_template of type component-resource-resolution,which will then have to be combined with another node_template, in order to push the config in the network, or in third party system. In this case, you will want to leverage the multi-action worklow. Else, the template could be resolved directly through a node_template of type component-script-executor through helpers functions being provided. Anchor |
| ConfigDeployInputs |
| ConfigDeployInputs |
Property | Description |
resolution-key | Needed to retrieve the resolution that has been made earlier point in time in the process. The combination of the artifact-name and the resolution-key will be used to uniquely identify the result. |
Anchor |
| ConfigDeployOutput |
| ConfigDeployOutput |
OutputSUCCESS or FAILURE Anchor |
| ConfigDeployComponent |
| ConfigDeployComponent |
ComponentIf you want to have a multi-action worklow, then the action will refer to a node_template of type dg-generic. If you want to have a single action workflow, then you should use one of the following node type: component-script-executor, component-remote-script-executor, component-remote-ansible-executor The name of the node_template is important, as it will be used within the Workflow definition (see property Modeling Concepts#workflowProperties) Finally, you can see the component(s) might have a list of artifacts, being the template/mapping defined before. Example: Taking the vDNS example, we have a node_template name config-deploy-process, which is of type dg-generic, hence we also have the dependent node_template. Code Block |
| "config-deploy-process" : {
"type" : "dg-generic",
"properties" : {
"content" : {
"get_artifact" : [ "SELF", "dg-config-deploy-process" ]
"dependency-node-templates" : [ "nf-account-collection", "execute" ]
"artifacts" : {
"dg-config-deploy-process" : {
"type" : "artifact-directed-graph",
"file" : "Plans/CONFIG_ConfigDeploy.xml"
"nf-account-collection" : {
"type" : "component-resource-resolution",
"interfaces" : {
"ResourceResolutionComponent" : {
"operations" : {
"process" : {
"inputs" : {
"artifact-prefix-names" : [ "nf-params" ]
"artifacts" : {
"nf-params-template" : {
"type" : "artifact-template-velocity",
"file" : "Templates/nf-params-template.vtl"
"nf-params-mapping" : {
"type" : "artifact-mapping-resource",
"file" : "Templates/nf-params-mapping.json"
"execute" : {
"type" : "component-netconf-executor",
"requirements" : {
"netconf-connection" : {
"capability" : "netconf",
"node" : "netconf-device",
"relationship" : "tosca.relationships.ConnectsTo"
"interfaces" : {
"ComponentNetconfExecutor" : {
"operations" : {
"process" : {
"inputs" : {
"script-type" : "jython",
"script-class-reference" : "Scripts/python/",
"instance-dependencies" : [ ],
"dynamic-properties" : "*config-deploy-properties"
"artifacts" : {
"baseconfig-template" : {
"type" : "artifact-template-velocity",
"file" : "Templates/baseconfig-template.vtl"
"baseconfig-mapping" : {
"type" : "artifact-mapping-resource",
"file" : "Templates/baseconfig-mapping.json"
"incremental-config-template" : {
"type" : "artifact-template-velocity",
"file" : "Templates/incremental-config-template.vtl"
"incremental-config-mapping" : {
"type" : "artifact-mapping-resource",
"file" : "Templates/incremental-config-mapping.json"
} |
Anchor |
| ConfigDeployExample |
| ConfigDeployExample |
Overall workflow example w/ component and artifactHere is an example of the config-deploy workflow: Code Block |
theme | Eclipse |
title | config-deploy |
collapse | true |
| {
"tosca_definitions_version": "controller_blueprint_1_0_0",
"metadata": {
"template_author": "Abdelmuhaimen Seaudi",
"author-email": "",
"user-groups": "ADMIN, OPERATION",
"template_name": "test",
"template_version": "1.0.0",
"template_tags": "test, vDNS-CDS, SCALE-OUT, MARCO"
"topology_template": {
"workflows": {
"config-deploy": {
"steps": {
"config-deploy": {
"description": "Resource Assign and Python Netconf Activation Workflow",
"target": "config-deploy-process",
"activities": [
"call_operation": ""
"inputs": {
"resolution-key": {
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"service-instance-id": {
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"config-deploy-properties": {
"description": "Dynamic PropertyDefinition for workflow(config-deploy).",
"required": true,
"type": "dt-config-deploy-properties"
"node_templates": {
"config-deploy-process": {
"type": "dg-generic",
"properties": {
"content": {
"get_artifact": [
"dependency-node-templates": [
"artifacts": {
"dg-config-deploy-process": {
"type": "artifact-directed-graph",
"file": "Plans/CONFIG_ConfigDeploy.xml"
"nf-account-collection": {
"type": "component-resource-resolution",
"interfaces": {
"ResourceResolutionComponent": {
"operations": {
"process": {
"inputs": {
"artifact-prefix-names": [
"artifacts": {
"nf-params-template": {
"type": "artifact-template-velocity",
"file": "Templates/nf-params-template.vtl"
"nf-params-mapping": {
"type": "artifact-mapping-resource",
"file": "Templates/nf-params-mapping.json"
"execute": {
"type": "component-netconf-executor",
"requirements": {
"netconf-connection": {
"capability": "netconf",
"node": "netconf-device",
"relationship": "tosca.relationships.ConnectsTo"
"interfaces": {
"ComponentNetconfExecutor": {
"operations": {
"process": {
"inputs": {
"script-type": "jython",
"script-class-reference": "Scripts/python/",
"instance-dependencies": [
"dynamic-properties": "*config-deploy-properties"
"artifacts": {
"baseconfig-template": {
"type": "artifact-template-velocity",
"file": "Templates/baseconfig-template.vtl"
"baseconfig-mapping": {
"type": "artifact-mapping-resource",
"file": "Templates/baseconfig-mapping.json"
"incremental-config-template": {
"type": "artifact-template-velocity",
"file": "Templates/incremental-config-template.vtl"
"incremental-config-mapping": {
"type": "artifact-mapping-resource",
"file": "Templates/incremental-config-mapping.json"
} |
Card |
label | Build your own workflow |
| TBD |
Card |
label | SDC Modeling & Distribution |
| IntroductionThe purpose is to describe integration of CDS within SDC What's newAt the VF and PNF level, a new artifact type CONTROLLER_BLUEPRINT_ARCHIVE allow the designed to load the previsouly designed CBA as part of the resource. How to add the CBA in SDC VF resource (similar for PNF)Create the VF resource 
Click on Deployment Artifact, then Add other arifacts, and select you CBA 

Check the artifact is uploaded OK, and click on Certify. 
Create a new service model, and add the newly created VF (including CBA artifact) to the new service model. Click on "Add Service" 
Click on "Composition", and drag the VF we created from the palette on the left onto the canvas in the middle. Then, click on "Submit for Testing". 
Anchor |
Click on Properties Assignments, then click on the service name, e.g. "CDS-VNF-TEST" from the right bar. Type "sdnc" in the filter box, and add the sdnc_model_name, sdnc_model_version, and sdnc_artifact_version, and click "Save". sdnc_model_name - This is the name of the blueprint (e.g. CBA name) sdnc_model_version - This is the version of the blueprint sdnc_artifact_name - This is the name of the VNF resource accumulator template

Type "skip" in the filter box, and set "skip post instantiation" to FALSE, then click "Save". 
Login as Tester (jm0007/demo123456!) and accept the new service. Login as Governor (gv0001/demo123456!) and approve for distribution. Login as Operator (op0001/demo123456!) and click on "Distribute". Click on "Monitor" to check the progress of the distribution, and check that all ONAP components were notified, and downloaded the artifacts, and deployed OK. 