Brief Project Overview (brief as it should be known)
The SO provides orchestration at a very high level, with an end-to-end view of the infrastructure, network, and applications.
Functional features intended to be delivered in Service Orchestrator project in Frankfurt release and the companies involved:
- Integrate the AAF and upgrade the APIs to Https - ATT
- ETSI alignment improvements - Ericcson, Huawei, Samsung, Verizon
- SOL005 adaptation
- SOL003 adaptation
- SOL002 adaptation
- SOL004 - Using the ETSI catalog manager for the SDC models.
- PNF orchestration Enhancements - Ericcson, Huawei, Nokia
- PNF sotware upgrade
- PNF PNP enhancement
- CCVPN Enhancement
- MDONS support - Fujitsu
- Eline support - Bell, Huawei, CMCC
- 5G Slicing - ATT, Amdocs, CMCC, Huawei, Wipro
- CDS integration enhancement - ATT, Bell, Tech Mahindra
- (SO Multi Cloud plugin improvements - Intel)
- HPA - Intel (Testing effort)
- Java 11 Upgrade - HCL, Orange (Egypt)
The following table lists the Frankfurt functional requirements which impact SO.
These requirements require enhancements to existing SO functionality.
- Extension to retrieve PNF workflow: SO-2540
- Support custom PNF workflow, like software upgrade (shall be generic enough to support execution of PNF-level workflow): SO-2071
- Support the LCM for the CSMF and NSMF operations
,Jira Legacy server System Jira serverId 4733707d-2057-3a0f-ae5e-4fd8aff50176 key SO-2543 Jira Legacy server System Jira serverId 4733707d-2057-3a0f-ae5e-4fd8aff50176 key SO-2544 - APIs to SOL002 adapter SO-2427
- APIs on the Package Mgmt for the SOL003 Adapter - SO-2156
- Enhancement to the existing SOL005 interfaces SO-2437
SO APIs would be made https based but we also tend to provide the functionlaiyt functionality to disable it on need basis.
- Current focus area : External -> SO interactions. ER interfaces with SO as the server.
- Hardening of the interfaces from API handler and the SO monitoring.
Interface naming (point to an example)
SO is used in the following use cases / Functional requriementsrequirements:
- vFW
- vDNS
- vCPE
- 5G
- Change Management
- SOL002 Adapter - Extension to the ETSI alignment work. This will be a temperory temporary stage and discussion are through to move it to generic network controller as and when available.
- NSSMF Adpater Adapter - As part of the 5G slice management requriementrequirement, this adapter would interact with the external NSSMF (CN, TN or AN) of the 5G network.
- API Handler - All new APIs defined would be developed in this module.
- BPMN Infra - Enhancements to the existing workflows for the functional requriements requirements mentioned in the above sections.
- SDNC adapter - CDS interaction and enhancements to the controller APIs
Lateral changes would be brought in due to the following requriementsrequirements:
- Java 11 upgrade
- AAF integrtionintegration
What are the system limits?