PNF / Preonboarding Onboarding | Wiki Page: PNF/VNF PREONBOARDING / ONBOARDING in R6 Frankfurt SUMMARY: No impact | ||||||||||||||||||||
PNF / Plug and Play | Wiki Page: PNF PLUG and PLAY in R6 Frankfurt Frankfurt Release Requirements : - Use Case Spreadsheet: Indicates Impact WIKI: (Ericsson) Epic#1: Controller to PNF exchange (Epic) STEP 37 Epic #1:
See the Netconf communiation main Use Case. PnP defines the step 37; the actual work is in the NetConf Use Case SUMMARY: Controller to PNF (NetConf) communication Question: Will NetConf adaptor in CDS? Answer: in R4 there is a solution uses CDS as part of the post-inst. for PNF. The change in R6, to convert from python to coclin still using opendaylight as the open client. Dan: CDS has N/C built in as well push back that's not architecturally correct. Dan Timoney Netconf going through SDN controller so architecture S/C doesn't push back. if we took that out, then that would raise the question if CDS is another controller, but CDS is not a controller. | ||||||||||||||||||||
PNF / PNF Software Upgrade using direct Netconf/Yang interface with PNF | Wiki Page: PNF software upgrade in R6 Frankfurt Use Case Spreadsheet: Indicates Impact Frankfurt Release Requirements : Indicates Impact WIKI: Epic #1: PNF Software Upgrade.
SUMMARY: TEST ONLY Most of the impact "core" part of PNF S/W Upgrade is in SO. New APIs being developed. SO API. | ||||||||||||||||||||
PNF / Enable Schema Update once PNF software is updated | Wiki Page: PNF software upgrade in R6 Frankfurt - SUMMARY: No impact | ||||||||||||||||||||
PNF / Enhancement on PNF Software Upgrade with EM with Ansible | Wiki Page: PNF software upgrade in R6 Frankfurt Frankfurt Release Requirements : - WIKI:
Added by Huawei team to add ansible playbook for controller. Before only upgrade S/W API. split that into separate download activate APIs. SDN-C uses LCM API from CC-SDK. to support ansible path, which huawei uses need to go to CC-SDK to add new RPCs in the API for active & download S/W SUMMARY: -
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PNF / PNF Software Upgrade with EM with Netconf | Wiki Page: PNF software upgrade in R6 Frankfurt Frankfurt Release Requirements : Test only Impact SUMMARY: Test only | ||||||||||||||||||||
PNF / Configuration with NETCONF/ Secure Communication between xNFs and ONAP | Wiki Page: Configuration with NETCONF in Frankfurt/R6 WIKI: Improve support for deploying NETCONF/TLS client certificates into ODL netconf-keystore
SUMMARY: Deploying NetConf TLS certificates. Looking at adding a second option for certificate handling used by Netconf TLS in SDN-C. Option from initi container of SDN-C request second certificate from AAF using existing API every ONAP component would request a certificate to protect internal communication Border components SDNC want a dedicated cert. e.g xNF over TLS option to request 2nd cert. from AAF use it in opendaylight. Installs the cert into the NetConf keystore in ODL.
In OOM honor global flag to disable/enable AAF. if AAF is disabled, how is this handled? A: The fall back is a manual method to provide cert. via in a persistent volume. A previous procedure. Could a self-signed certificate be used? Usually service providers will have their own procedure for certificates and not necessarily using AAF. Thus, the manual method is important for other reasons from actual service provider scenarios & procedures for cert. management. | ||||||||||||||||||||
5G / 5G Service Modeling | Wiki Page: 5G RAN SERVICE MODELING & DEFINITION in R6 Frankfurt WIKI: Modeling work only SUMMARY: No impact | ||||||||||||||||||||
5G / Bulk PM / PM Control | Wiki Page: 5G Bulk PM in Frankfurt/R6 Frankfurt Release Requirements : No impact WIKI: No Code impact. Operation will use the controller. The flow expecting for PM control U/C. Policy will use the CDS API. Will have a customized blue-print to support it. SUMMARY: Test Only | ||||||||||||||||||||
5G / PM Dictionary | Wiki Page: FM META DATA & PM DICTIONARY in R6 Frankfurt SUMMARY: No Impact | ||||||||||||||||||||
5G / 5G FM Meta Data | Wiki Page: FM META DATA & PM DICTIONARY in R6 Frankfurt SUMMARY: No Impact | ||||||||||||||||||||
5G / OOF SON (PCI) | Wiki Page: OOF (SON) in R5 El Alto, OOF (SON) in R6 Frankfurt Use Case Spreadsheet: Indicates Impact WIKI: Epic#1 - OOF/SON Enhancements Enhance Yang model to align with 3GPP and O-RAN Configuration/Operational Database, Config History (e.g. to revert changes) RAN Simulator – enhance and include in ONAP codebase* Related O-RAN Jira: https://jira.o-ran-sc.org/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=7&projectKey=OAM&view=detail&selectedIssue=OAM-9
SUMMARY: Development From Swaminathan Seetharaman Sandeep Shah 2 cases I am involved with - OOF SON use case - we expect some SDN-C impacts due to ORAN alignment and ConfigDB, our team (most likely Sandeep Shah) will contact Dan. | ||||||||||||||||||||
5G / E2E Network Slicing | Wiki Page: NETWORK SLICING PoC in R6 Frankfurt (Obsolete) Frankfurt Release Requirements : Indicates Impact Use Case Spreadsheet: Indicates Impact WIKI:
SUMMARY: New Development CONFIG DB - A new schema for Config DB. Needs to be available by M3 Swaminathan Seetharaman Sandeep Shah For Network Slicing use case, SDN-C impacts are not clarified for Frankfurt (it is not part of the approved scope, so it will be a stretch goal), we will contact Dan once details are worked out, so it can be a PoC for Frankfurt if we implement it after agreement with Dan. | ||||||||||||||||||||
5G / RAN ORAN 3GPP Standards Harmonization | Wiki Page: MOBILITY STANDARDS HARMONIZATION WITH ONAP WIKI: Epic #1 ORAN/3GPP & ONAP Harmonization A1 Interface
SUMMARY: Sandeep is working on CCSDK-1796, talking to Dan about Docker container. Working on A1 adaptor. getting A1 policy through DMaaP, converting that to an A1 compliant I/F to talk to RIC side. The introduction of the A1 adaptor is S/W. Sandeep working on DMaaP agent, and DG work flow. | ||||||||||||||||||||
5G / Runtime Config DB , Data Persistency U/C | Wiki Page: 5G CONFIGURATION (RunTime DB) Use Case Spreadsheet: Indicates Impact WIKI: E1a. Provide RunTime DB yang model to RunTime DB. E1a. SO + Controller pathway BACK to the PNF through Netconf to update RunTime DB. Incorporation of RunTime DB into CCSDK SUMMARY: Development Impact | ||||||||||||||||||||
5G / NRM CM w/ RESTful HTTPS | Wiki Page: 5G Network Resource Model (NRM) Configuration in R6 Frankfurt Frankfurt Release Requirements : Indicates Impact WIKI: No impact SUMMARY: No impact | ||||||||||||||||||||
5G / Licensing Management | Wiki Page: LICENSING MANAGEMENT SUMMARY: No Impact, Modeling & architecture work only for R6. | ||||||||||||||||||||
SERVICE RESOLVER | Wiki Page: Service Resolver WIKI: SUMMARY: No impact | ||||||||||||||||||||
SCALING | Wiki Page: Scaling Use Case (Frankfurt) Frankfurt Release Requirements: Indicates Impact Use Case Spreadsheet: Indicates Impact WIKI: (Test only)
SUMMARY: Test only | ||||||||||||||||||||
Mobile Service Chaining & Service Selection | Wiki Page: MOBILE SERVICE CHAINING Use Case Spreadsheet: Indicates Impact WIKI: (Only slideware) SUMMARY: - | ||||||||||||||||||||
BBS | Wiki Page: BBS Broadband Service Use Case (Frankfurt) Use Case Spreadsheet: No Impact WIKI: - ? SUMMARY: | ||||||||||||||||||||
CCVPN | Wiki Page: CCVPN Use Case in Frankfurt Release Use Case Spreadsheet: Indicates Impact WIKI: ?? Frankfurt Release Requirements: - SUMMARY: - | ||||||||||||||||||||
Control Loop | Wiki Page: Control Loop Sub Committee Frankfurt Release Planning Use Case Spreadsheet: Indicates Impact WIKI: Event based Common API for Control Loop Operations SUMMARY: - | ||||||||||||||||||||
Multi Domain Optical Service L0/L1 Orchestration | Wiki Page: Multi-domain Optical Network Services Use Case Spreadsheet: Indicates Impact WIKI: Raghavan Subramanian Have done some prototyping in Dublin for adding new DGs to extract topology from external domain controllers and map them to A&AI schema. Will need additional work to integrate this with proposed CDS workflow in Future release.
SUMMARY: SDNC Impact for MDONS: | ||||||||||||||||||||
CHANGE MANAGEMENT | Wiki Page: Change Management Frankfurt Extensions Use Case Spreadsheet: Impact WIKI: Extensions to APP-C , VNF-C for Ansible Protocol. Delivery of "vFW K8s Use Case" Integrated with CDS - modification in CDS required for K8s workflow support. Dedicate package for CDS only uses existing functionality - Test only. Change on K8S plugin multi-cloud side. Ansible server (part of CCSDK), the integration of ansible server of APP-C. Modify how it is used by APP-C. (Test only, no S/W impact for SDN-C/CCSDK) SUMMARY: | ||||||||||||||||||||
HPA | Wiki Page: Continuation of HPA Frankfurt Release Requirements: ? WIKI: ? SUMMARY: ?. | ||||||||||||||||||||
RUN TIME SECURITY | |||||||||||||||||||||
K8S Based Cloud Region Support | Wiki Page: K8S based Cloud region support (Continue from R4) Use Case Spreadsheet: Indicates Impact Frankfurt Release Requirements : Indicates Test Only WIKI: ? SUMMARY: - ? | ||||||||||||||||||||
DAaaS | Wiki Page: Distributed Analytics as a Service (Continuation from R4) Use Case Spreadsheet: ? WIKI: ? SUMMARY: - | ||||||||||||||||||||
3rd Party Operational Domain Manager | Wiki Page: Third-party Operational Domain Manager Use Case Spreadsheet: ? Frankfurt Release Requirements: ? WIKI: SUMMARY: - |