- Architecture Engagement -
- M2 ARCHITECTURE WORK - Before M2, the architecture team is working to refine their Functional Architecture, the component architecture, and Architecture proposed enhancements. Conceptually, many would consider the development of the release information model as actually architecture work. Thus, engaging the actual architecture sub-committee during the point in the time that the release information model is becoming frozen is important.
- SYNC UP - A check-point is held between chairs/subteam leads. #@# how is this done?? when is this done? (The architecture sub-committee should have a sync up with the modeling sub-committee to have a check-point to share the release information model. The key triggering milestone is that the release information model has just achieved a clean state, and the architecture sub-committee should be aware of this, and some of the highlights in the model. For example, the key contributions in the release that comprise the model. The modeling sub-committee should get on the agenda of the architecture S/C or vice versa when the release information model is ready. Alternatively, a regular sync up with the architecture sub-committee, such as once a quarter or bi-annually could also serve this purpose.
- Use Case Team Engagement -
- DATA MODEL DEVELOPMENT - Discussion Info Model & Data model development with input from the Model S/C. Active discussion and interaction between Use Case Team and the Modeling S/C to make sure that the information model and the data model development are in lock-step.
- DATA MODEL REVIEW - Reviews of Data Model with Project Teams. The Data Model is being reviewed by the Use Case Teams with inputs from the Modeling S/C
- JOINT REVIEWS - The Data model should be reviewed with the Modeling S/C. Data model being developed by the component team is using the component model as input.
- SYNC UP - Either the Use Case weekly meeting, or the Use Case Realization weekly call would be a good meeting to communicate and socialize the clean release information model. #@#
- Components (PTL) Engagement - ONAP Platform Teams (A&AI, SO, SDC etc) review clean Information Model impacts for the release.
- FEEDBACK - Component platform work can feedback to the Modeling S/C for updates to the information model during the refining the info model phase and should also provide input during the review. Modeling S/C should take into account component platform updates vis-a-vis the Use Case and modeling requirements for the release.