Versions Compared


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What is this release trying to address?

Describe the problem being solved by this release


Describe the use case this release is targeted for (better if reference to customer requirements).

Minimum Viable Product

Describe the MVP for this releaseEnhance to protect all update operations in Kafka

Create Kafka image using Confluent 5.3.0

Replace SASL_PLAINTEXT listeners with SASL_SSL listeners in Kafka

Create custom Zookeeper image using confluent 5.3.0

Disable the AAF using a single flag

Securing the Kafka ZNodes using ACLs


The existing Dublin use cases are still going to be supported. We will also support 5G use case requirements.

Minimum Viable Product

Upgrade MR components to newer Confluent Community 5.3.0 Kafka and Zookeeper. Replace Kafka SASL_PLAINTEXT listeners with SASL_SSL listeners while allowing to disable AAF using a flag. Secure Kafka ZNodes using ACLs.


List the functionalities that this release is committing to deliver by providing a link to JIRA Epics and Stories. In the JIRA Priority field, specify the priority (either High, Medium, Low). The priority will be used in case de-scoping is required. Don't assign High priority to all functionalities.


Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira
jqlQueryproject=sanbox DMAAP and issuetype in (epic) and fixVersion="Frankfurt Release"


Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira
jqlQueryproject=sanbox dmaap and issuetype in (story) and fixVersion = "Frankfurt Release"

Longer term roadmap

Indicate at a high level the longer term roadmap. This is to put things into the big perspective.

Release Deliverables

Indicate the outcome (Executable, Source Code, Library, API description, Tool, Documentation, Release Note, etc) of this release.DMaaP is a premier platform for high performing and cost effective data movement services that transports and processes data from any source to any target with the format, quality, security, and concurrency required to serve the business and customer needs.

Release Deliverables

Deliverable Name

Deliverable Description

To fill outTo fill out


List all sub-components part of this release.
Activities related to sub-components must be in sync with the overall release.


Docker imageCustom Kafka image and DMaaP images
Source CodeSource code of DMaaP
Release NoteRelease note of the release


DMaaP sub-components


High level architecture diagram

At that stage within the Release, the team is expected to provide more Architecture details describing how the functional modules are interacting.

Indicate where your project fit within the ONAP Architecture diagram.

Block and sequence diagrams showing relation within the project as well as relation with external components are expected.


architecture.pngImage Added

DMaaP is a Kafka based platform that is used by various ONAP components to publish and subscribe messages with each other required for processing events.

Platform Maturity

Please fill out the centralized wiki page: Frankfurt Release Platform Maturity


  • API Incoming Dependencies


Prior to Release Planning review, Team Leads must agreed on the date by which the API will be fully defined. The API Delivery date must not be later than the release API Freeze date.Prior to the delivery date, it is a good practice to organize an API review with the API consumers.

API Name

API Description

API Definition Date

API Delivery date

API Definition link (i.e.swagger)

To fill outHigh level description of the APIDate for which the API is reviewed and agreedTo fill out
AAFAuthentication and Authorization Frameworkalready availablealready availableLink toward the detailed API description

  • API Outgoing Dependencies

API this project is delivering to other projects.

API Name

API Description

API Definition Date

API Delivery date

API Definition link (i.e.swagger)

To fill outHigh level description of the API

DMaaP MR APIAPI used to create Topics ,publish a message,subscribe to a Topic etc.Date for which the API is reviewed and agreedTBDAPI documentation
DMaaP Buscontroller APIProvisioning API for management of Topics and FeedsDate for which the API is reviewed and agreedM2API documentation (ReadTheDocs)
DMaaP DataRouter APIAPI used to create feeds ,publish to this feed, subscribe to a feedDate for which the API is reviewed and agreed
To fill outLink toward the detailed API description
M2  API documentation

  • Third Party Products Dependencies

Third Party Products mean products that are mandatory to provide services for your components. Development of new functionality in third party product may or not be expected.
List the Third Party Products (OpenStack, ODL, RabbitMQ, ElasticSearch,Crystal Reports, ...).





Zoo KeeperCentralized service for maintaining configuration information3.4.14
SpringSpring Framework


KafkaDistributed messaging platform2.4.0
DockerContainer engine


AJSCJava services container3.0.10

  • Testing and Integration Plans


Gaps identifiedImpact
To fill outTo fill out
  • Known Defects and Issues


Please refer to Frankfurt Defect Status
