BROADBAND SERVICE | BroadBand Service (BBS) Use Case extensions in R6 for HSIA Service Assurance and HSIA Subscription Plan managementBBS in R5 El Altowill focus on improving existing features and documentation | BBS Broadband Service Use Case (Frankfurt) |
CCVPN | Provide an end to end VPN service which includes features like cross operators, cross domain(different OTN domains) and cross layer(Layer 2 and Layer 3) for SMB companies. | CCVPN Use Case in Frankfurt Release |
CHANGE MANAGEMENT | Change Management functions including VNF S/W upgrade W/F, Traffic Distribution W/F, VNF-C level software upgrade, Change management schedule optimization, PNF Software upgrade, and Cloud-layer software upgrade. | |
CONTROL LOOP | Control Loops in ONAP to manage incoming events and trigger associated policies | Control Loop Backlog |
CREATION OF SERVICES | End-to-End Service Creation (IoT) ONAP for facilitation. Atul Purohit (move out of 5G?). Present at the U/C realization on June 19th 2019 | |
DAaS | Distributed Analytics as a Service (Edge Automation) U/C ensures that metric/log collection, correlation & analysis are performed closer to the data. Analytics can be infrastructure analytics, VNF analytics or application analytics. | Continuation "Distributed Analytics as a Service" |
DOMAIN MANAGER | Third Party Operational Domain Manager, A standards-based approach that supports third party service management | |
HPA | HPA (using OOF) ensures VNF instances are placed in cloud regions that have platform capabilities as expected by VNF workloads. e.g. a VNF requires XYZ vendor SRIOV-NIC and ABC vendor crypto accelerator, HPA ensures the VNF is placed in a cloud with those resources. | Continuation of HPA |
K8S CLOUD REGION | Kubernetes Cloud Region support U/C enables support for deploying Virtualized and Containerized networking workloads in Kubernetes based Cloud regions through MultiCloud/k8s plugin | Continuation of "K8S based Cloud region support" |
LICENSING MANAGEMENT | Licensing Management with ONAP and xNFs. Define license management principles wrt. the key use cases. This will evolve beyond 5G but may start as a 5G U/C. | LICENSING MANAGEMENT |
OPTICAL SERVICE (L0/L1) ORCHESTRATION | Optical Service Orchestration U/C provides end-to-end multi-operator L1 services orchestrated by ONAP across multiple optical transport domains | Optical Service(L0/L1) Orchestration |
MOBILE SERVICE CHAINING SERVICE SELECTION | Enhanced Management and Operation for Mobile Service Chaining. (Intel, CMCC) Service Selection; Specifying Services, Describing Services (Orange). How much is OSS vs ONAP. KDDI (removed) | MOBILE SERVICE CHAINING |
RUN-TIME SECURITY | A Proof of Concept (PoC) for Run-Time Security functions including Secure communication to outside entities, Secure communication among the micro services and User-authentication via tokens | Run time Security |
SERVICE RESOLVER | Provide the capability to define&instantiate service, in a model-driven approach, selecting service deployment flavor based on rules. | Service Resolver |
SCALING | Scaling maximizes resource utilization In a virtualized cloud infrastructure. With software controlled virtualized resources, ONAP allocates resources to a VNF on deman. Scaling changes and allocates the amount of resources allocated to a VNF |