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BROADBAND SERVICEBroadBand Service (BBS) Use Case extensions in R6 for HSIA Service Assurance and HSIA Subscription Plan managementBBS in R5 El Altowill focus on improving existing features and documentationBBS Broadband Service Use Case (Frankfurt)
CCVPNProvide an end to end VPN service which includes features like cross operators, cross domain(different OTN domains) and cross layer(Layer 2 and Layer 3) for SMB companies. CCVPN Use Case in Frankfurt Release
CHANGE MANAGEMENTChange Management functions including VNF S/W upgrade W/F, Traffic Distribution W/F, VNF-C level software upgrade, Change management schedule optimization, PNF Software upgrade, and Cloud-layer software upgrade.

Change Management Frankfurt Extensions

CONTROL LOOP Control Loops in ONAP to manage incoming events and trigger associated policies Control Loop Backlog
End-to-End Service Creation (IoT) ONAP for facilitation. Atul Purohit  (move out of 5G?). Present at the U/C realization on June 19th 2019

DAaSDistributed Analytics as a Service (Edge Automation) U/C ensures that metric/log collection, correlation & analysis are performed closer to the data. Analytics can be infrastructure analytics, VNF analytics or application analytics. Continuation "Distributed Analytics as a Service"
DOMAIN MANAGERThird Party Operational Domain Manager, A standards-based approach that supports third party service management

Third-party Operational Domain Manager

HPAHPA (using OOF) ensures VNF instances are placed in cloud regions that have platform capabilities as expected by VNF workloads. e.g. a VNF requires XYZ vendor SRIOV-NIC and ABC vendor crypto accelerator, HPA ensures the VNF is placed in a cloud with those resources.Continuation of HPA
K8S CLOUD REGIONKubernetes Cloud Region support U/C enables support for deploying Virtualized and Containerized networking workloads in Kubernetes based Cloud regions through MultiCloud/k8s pluginContinuation of "K8S based Cloud region support"

Licensing Management with ONAP and xNFs. Define license management principles wrt. the key use cases. This will evolve beyond 5G but may start as a 5G U/C.

OPTICAL SERVICE (L0/L1) ORCHESTRATIONOptical Service Orchestration U/C provides end-to-end multi-operator L1 services orchestrated by ONAP across multiple optical transport domainsOptical Service(L0/L1) Orchestration



Enhanced Management and Operation for Mobile Service Chaining. (Intel, CMCC)

Service Selection; Specifying Services, Describing Services (Orange). How much is OSS vs ONAP.

KDDI (removed)

RUN-TIME SECURITYA Proof of Concept (PoC) for Run-Time Security functions including

Secure communication to outside entities, Secure communication among the micro services and User-authentication via tokens 

Run time Security 
Provide the capability to define&instantiate service, in a model-driven approach, selecting service deployment flavor based on rules.Service Resolver
Scaling maximizes resource utilization In a virtualized cloud infrastructure. With software controlled virtualized resources, ONAP allocates resources to a VNF on deman. Scaling changes and allocates the amount of resources allocated to a VNF

Scaling Use Case (Frankfurt)

Scaling Roadmap (Frankfurt)
