Changes: https://git.onap.org/optf/osdf/tree/osdf/adapters/policy/interface.py
Meeting minutes - 2019/10/23
Changes for OSDF retrieving code:
A. payload sent for retrieval.
Using the new filters(geography, service, resource, scope, name?)
AR: Ask Pam about the implementation of scope(assign with multiple values?) – ruoyu.ying
Check if the policy name filter still exists in the current implementation – ruoyu.ying
B. Config for OSDF
Put the new filters inside the config
Add a new question from ruoyu.ying : Where does the input for geography and scope come from? Does user need to modify the config file each time they want to change? Avteet Chayal Shankaranarayanan Puzhavakath Narayanan
C. Clean up the source code where does the filtering job ourselves by resource name
D. Clean up the source code where provides choice for retrieving(by scope or by name)
AR: Confirm if retrieving by name is still needed – Avteet Chayal