guochuyi Andy Mayer Kevin Scaggs Lingli Deng Michela Bevilacqua Bob Papa Xu Yang
2. Network Slicing Model Proposal
- KPI model
- Chuyi update the diagram of "How the model works", current process only contains the data collection and KPI compution from NFs to DCAE microservice.
- S-NSSAI will be used in the runtime, not include in the ServiceDescriptor.
- Differences between ServiceProfile and KPI: 3GPP serviceProfile is used for creating slice instance, KPI is to provide the performance measurement of the instacne and the running slice services, in the model it will tell the NFs and needed metrics of the NF for KPI calculation. KPI monitoring canbe for SLA but basicly it is about instance status, report E2E slice instance or slice subnet instance status.
- Network slice model
- Kevin introduce the changes for ParameterGroup to support the expression of multiple inputs for profile. There will be an abstract class"ParameterProfile", 3GPPServiceProfile, MEFeAccessServiceProfile are 2 examples of it.The ParameterProfile is realized by ParameterGroup. Thus, it can satisfy the demand of supporting multi-inputs while not update the model structure every time.
- Kevin has updated the RangeValueSpec in Dynamic Parameter, will update the wiki for this new proposal and have a discussion next time.