QUESTION: Can we show things already Demoed? Yes. It is good to demo the "basic" stuff because the ORAN people in attendance are new to the ONAP use cases.
QUESTION: Who is the audience? ORAN , (new members), ONAP. Held worldwide
QUESTION: How long will we have for each demo? 10 minutes, 5 min of Q&A, + a few minutes for logistics changing of demos.
QUESTION: New S/W Code, Demo R5/R6? No new S/W build is expected
QUESTION: Timeline for development ends end of Oct/beginning of Nov? No new S/W is expected to be developed.
QUESTION: Commitment from Vendors?
- PNF PnP - Nokia ("basic PnP"); Oskar, Ericsson variant of PnP. Samsung; Comscope AirSpan Altiostar. Not all confirmed.
- Bulk PM: - Ericsson (confirmed). Nokia (may demo).
- Basic Fault Flow - WG4 M-Plane Specification. NetConf notifications. O1 FM Data in VES Message format. SCNR development, grab message from DMaaP
- Basic Config Flow - Trigger from PNF from Portal; NetConf & VES. Martin Skorupski.
- WG4 Open FH - Simulators. MPlane. Two vendors tentative. Interwork with Beijing lab.
- SON/OOF/PCI - Two vendors tentative. Altiostar
QUESTION: Actual Demo Day? Thursday December 5, 2019. 10AM EST (USA GMT-5) to Noon.Interworking many labs. ONAP integration PTL Morgan Richomme .
- LOCATION: Rutgers WinLab (5G cosmos research foundation testbed)
- LOCATION: Orange Lab (Sofia Antipoli France).
- LOCATION: AT&T in Washington Redmond (USA).
- LOCATION: 5G Testbed in Murray Hill NJ (USA) Nokia.
- LOCATION: AT&T Bedminster.
QUESTION: Missing Page OOF/SON/PCI - will be added.
QUESTION: Co-Demoing - ok for multiple companies to demo, that is great, encourage. Good to show that multiple companies are involved in a use case, that there is interest and multiple streams of development.
- CO-DEMO LOGISTICS - want to have vendors have equal attention and don't run out of time.
QUESTION: NSF Power initiative (future).
QUESTION: Zoom, recording, Posted to ORAN, ONAP wiki.