See the: ARC RunTime DB Component Description - R6 Frankfurt
A more detailed figure and description of the component.
New Information is written to RunTime DB from a Component or a Micro-service
The following basic flows are described:
- VES Event Updates - Information flow
- A&AI xNF (create/delete) updates - Information flow
- mS / Component Updates - Information flow
Taking information from RunTime DB and using it to send to xNF components
2. Pre-Conditions
ONAP is ready:
- RUN TIME DB SETUP - RunTime DB has been setup properly and is ready to be used.
- ONBOARDED ARTIFACTS - (future) If dynamic setup is used, definition artifacts are onboarded and used to setup the RunTime DB structures
- ONAP SOFTWARE - There is an ONAP installation. Software images loaded in OpenStack installation, where instantiation will happen (since no S/W image repository). Need to be available in Target Cloud Instances.
RunTime DB is setup:
- RUN TIME DB SETUP - RunTime DB has been setup properly and is ready to be used.
the Vendor provided package is imported by a Technology Specialist/Asset manager into SDC.
3.4 Flow Description: PACKxK)
3. LICExCK – VNF-SDK performs a license file check within the vendor-delivered PNF package.
6. MxN – VNF-SDK performs a check of the PNF keywords in the MainServiceTemplate.mf (Manifest file). The tags are pnf_product_name, pnf_provider_id, pnf_package_version, pnf_release_data_time, and non-mano_artifact_sets.
7. TOxON – VNF checks the Meta Data file (TOSCA.meta) in the PNF package with the ETSI SOL004 validation tags. The checks performed are the Entry definition, Entry-manifest, Entry-change-log, Entry-tests, Entry certificates.
8. USxON – The end user may then inspect that the PNF package has been appropriately verified in the Certification studio.
3.5 FloxRDING
In the next steps, SDC brings that Vendor provided package into the SDC Catalog and creates an SDC internal representation of that package.
A. UUID IDENTIFIER – SDC adds a UUID identifier.
D. LICxLE – SDC can add a license model file.
E. ADxCTS – The User may optionally manually add additional artifacts.
There are two options to onboard into SDC. OPTION #1 is to "automatically" onboard a package.
In this case, a VSP model is created using an Onboarding package (PNF CSAR, VNF CSAR or Heat)
9. ONBOARD PACKAGE - The onboarding package is accessed by a Technology specialist/Asset manager
10. INTERNAL MODEL - An internal model is created in SDC with MetaData added.
11. TRANSFORM ARTIFACTS - The artifacts from the PNF or VNF package are transformed into onboarding artifacts during SDC onboarding.
12. ONBOARD DESCRIPTOR - SDC transforms the xNF onboarding descriptor (PNFD or VNFD) into an SDC internal descriptor.
4. Post Conditions
4a. Post Condition (Pre-onboarding)
Architecture component Description ARC RunTime DB Component Description - R6 Frankfurt