Section |
Column |
Tip |
Presentation on ONAP Joint Subcommittee Meeting, Antwerp '2019 View file |
name | ONAP static code analysis by Coverity Scan service - Introduction and setup - Artem Naluzhnyy.pdf |
height | 150 |
(presentation video) |
Column |
Coverity Scan resultsRepository | Coverity Scan status & results | Jenkins job |
aaf/authz | |
aaf/cadi | |
ccsdk/apps | |
ccsdk/dashboard | |
clamp | |
multicloud/k8s |
Note |
Golang support will be ported from commercial Coverity tool to Coverity Scan service later. |
multicloud/openstack | |
policy/apex-pdp | |
policy/engine | |
portal | | portal-coverity |
portal/sdk | |
sdc | |
sdc/dcae-d/dt-be-property | |
sdc/dcae-d/fe | |
so | |
- Open Coverity Scan page for your project. You can either use Coverity Scan projects search or find a direct link on appropriate Jenkins job page:
- If you have not been added to the project on Coverity Scan service yet:
- Click on "Add me to project" and fill the form:
- Wait till the project administrators grant you appropriate permissions.
- Click on "View Defects":
Reference Coverity defect ID in commit message
- Go to "Triage" section on the right panel of "View Defects" page.
- Set "Action" to "Ignore" and "Apply".
If you have "Maintainer/Owner" permissions for a project:
- Go to "Project Setting" tab on project page and click "Edit".
- Check "Exclude Findbugs Defects" .
Disable tests analysis
Modify "mvn-params" attribute of appropriate Jenkins job to skip build of the tests:
Code Block |
- project:
name: 'so-coverity'
mvn-params: '-Dmaven.test.skip=true'
... |
Anchor |
| analysed-files-list |
| analysed-files-list |
List all files of a project analysed by Coverity Scan
See "cov-int/coverity-scan-analysed-files.txt.gz"
file in archived Jenkins build artifacts.
Overview Coverity Scan build logs
See "cov-int/build-log.txt.gz"
file in archived Jenkins build artifacts.
See also
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
columns | key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution |
serverId | 4733707d-2057-3a0f-ae5e-4fd8aff50176 |
key | CIMAN-260 |
- A couple of Coverity related topics explained on ONAP Security Best Practices page.
- Supported programming languages: C/C++, Java, C#, JavaScript, TrueScript, PHP, Python, Ruby, VB, Scala, Swift (at the moment we have a Jenkins job template for components built by maven only, however, other language sources in the repo can be also analysed using
project parameter in JJB template).