Note: the page is on-going contracted and finalized information shall be updated
5) information documents provided in the onap_others set identifier
6) PNF software information file
According to ETSI SOL004, every NON-ETSI-MANO artifact set shall be identified by a NON-ETSI-MANO artifact set identifier (TAG) which shall be registered in the ETSI registry.
onap_ves_events: contains VES registration files
onap_pm_dictionary: contains the PM dictionary files (file names are not defined in ONAP)
onap_yang_modules: contains Yang module files for configurations (file names are not defined in ONAP)
onap_ansible_playbooks: contains any ansible_playbooks (file names are not defined in ONAP)
onap_others: contains any other non_MANO artifacts, e.g. informational documents
- onap_nf_information: contains NF(Network Function) related information. e.g. PNF, VNF or xNF itself information. In Frankfurt, it contains a new file for PNF information