- Any Architecture changes (Y/N)? Yes then require a ArchComm review plan
- Any API changes Y/N
- Any Data Model change Y/N
- Any Impact on other components (Y/N)
- Platform maturity goals == Dublin goals - update M1 Target
- New 3rd party dependencies, new FOSS? Y/N
- CII badging update
- Change build process to adopt new oparent
- Project specific test plan (automated unit test, sanity test/CSIT, pair-wise testing, etc) for Early Drop and full scope
- 55% code coverage (set final goal after accessing jScript impacts)
- API docs complete
- Data Models (e.g, JSON, YANG, Swagger, etc.) shared with Modeling/Community
- Architecture Review complete (if required)
- No Gerrit requests older than 36 hrs.
- Provide docker to integration testing for El Alto Early Drop
- OOM port list update
- Fix any Integration blocker - Daily status updates on integration blockers, Highest/High issues
- Review and plan resolution of any License scan, security issues
- Begin release notes for Early Drop
- Update Risk Register
- License scan issues addressed
- Address all security issues
- All high/highest priority jira tickets addressed
- Update Platform maturity goals, CII badging update - update M4 Result
- Test coverage goals complete
- No Gerrit requests older than 36 hrs.
- Integration weather board update
- Update Risk Register
- All high/highest priority jira tickets addressed
- Remaining License scan, security critical issues addressed
- Update Release note and documentation
- Docker images “Release” dues
- Project specific test plan for El Alto completed
- Update Risk Register
- Integration Weather Board complete
- Versioning at the project level
- Check the certification expiry of your application. It should be valid for the next 9 months after RC0.
- Remaining high/highest priority jira tickets addressed or workaround documented
- Review all tickets associated with the release been marked as "Closed" in Jira?Close/move all open/in-process jiras to a future release
- Integration "Sign-Off" on Docker images “Release”
- Release notes and documentation completed
- OOM tag release and version in helm chart