- Modeling team does MODEL PLANNING. The planning develops into “High Level Info-model Requirements”. These High level info-model requirements fall into 3 categories:
- #1: NEW USE CASES - items from the expected Use Cases in the release (Scope of modeling, continuing, introducing, standards updates).
- #2: REFINING EXISTING MODEL - There are also Existing high level info-model requirements and the current release is focused on continuing or refining the model. Existing in a component that hasn't made it to the information model. Previously at design build-level that needs to be added into information model. For example, a need might have arisen in development but wasn't formalized. Long-lead, multi-release items might fall into this category. coded previously but no Use Case.
- #3: FORWARD LOOKING WORK (FLW) - Forward thinking requirement. For example, suppose there were a very large use case/requirement or project that is expected to come down the pipe, but if no advanced modeling work were done on it, it wouldn't make the current release. Thus, a model might be proposed in advance of the actual use case/requirement.
- Use Case Team (evaluating U/C proposals) presents their modeling needs. Each of the Use Case teams needs to come to the modeling S/C meetings to present their expected modeling needs and open a dialogue about potential model impacts so that they can be developed. Describing the the pre/post conditions, defining the overall definition.
- Architecture understanding reference model. Modeling S/C members should be aware of any updates to the current release's reference model so that potential can be known.
- PTL- High level release scope from PTLs (understand from ONAP components what updates)
- PTL - Joint PTL sync meeting
- Modeling team does MODEL PLANNING. The planning develops into “High Level Info-model Requirements”. These High level info-model requirements fall into 3 categories: