- Three node types for wt service: Web service cluster, Devicemanager cluster, DB cluster
- Features are provided by CCSDK/features/sdnr.
- One SDN-C/SDN-R image. Node types are configured:
- by configuration parameter: WTSDNR-WEB, WTSDNR-DEVICEMANAGER, WTSDNR-DB
- El Alto configuration "WTSDNR" not supported anymore
- Server platform (Bold new in Frankfurt):
- WEB: SDNC/ODL/Karaf: apigateway, odlux, helpserver, dataprovider
- DEVICEMANAGER SDNC/ODL/Karaf: devicemodel, devicemanager, websocketmanager2 (Discussion: dataprovider as devicemanager DB client service)
- DB: Alpine + Elasticsearch (ODL/Karaf not nessecary) .. Existing ONAP ES Image if possible.
- (docker run -d --name elasticsearch -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 -e "discovery.type=single-node" --network yaml_default docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:6.4.3)
- Configuration
- Which configuration for which cluster
- How many configuraton files
- Run-time reconfiguration only via RPC
- Internal cluster synchronization to be specified.
- Initial configuration via file
- Using MDSAL
- WEB Cluster-DevicemanagerCluster - DB Cluster setup for dev environment and kubernetes
- Kubernetes services?
- relationship (1:1 or n to m) . WEB-Cluster-Node-N to Devicemanager-Cluster-Node-M.
- Access via DNS Name?
- entry via virtual-IP/load-balancer ... Kubernetes service