16. INTERNAL DESCRIPTOR - The internal descriptor proprieties are updated. The vendor provided descriptor can specify attribute value limitations or ranges.
17. LICENSE MODEL FILES - The License Model Files are then added to the VSP
21. INTERNAL DESCRIPTORS - The SDC Internal descriptor properties are updated. Service Customized type. Instantiate them. Discover VNF will know its type, ONAP needs NB request to find customized type. Vendor attri x=[1..6] (onboard allowed value). SP not using x=1 2..6; create resource. drag into svc further for this svc context should only value 3,4,5.Customized types during design time allows service providers to specify additional restrictions on onboarded parameters. For example a vendor specified attribute might have allowed values 1 through 6; and customized types would restrict certain allowed values.
22. LICENSE MODEL FILES - License model files are updated in SDC.
28. CREATE SERVICE - Create a internal service model with meta-data added. Additional restrictions to parameters may be given with customized types.
29. ADD RESOURCES - Resources can be added to the service by the user.