- The service database table has TOSCA_CSAR_ARTIFACT_UUID column. We continue to use this column to link the TOSCA CSAR.
- The TOSCA_CSAR database has relationship with Catalog_NSPackage, Catalog_PNFPackage and Catalog_VNFPackage.
- For the SOL004 VNF onboarding into SO,
- SO does not populate data info the VF-Module database table if the VF-Module is not populated in the modeling.
- It depends on the SOL001 VNFD mapping to SDC AID DM whether it populates VF-Modules or not.
- SO does not populate data into the HEAT-Template database table
- Heat-Template is part of the VNF package
- SO invokes the ETSI Catalog Manager APIs with the CSAR UUID.
- The ETSI Catalog Manager receives VNF packages and stores them into the ETSI Catalog Database Catalog_VNFPackage
- It stores the VNF package as a whole and its APIs can extract the VNFD, artifacts, softwareImage, etc.
- SO does not populate data info the VF-Module database table if the VF-Module is not populated in the modeling.