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User Story


ETSI Catalog Manager
ETSI Catalog Manager stores ETSI packages and provides APIs to its clients

Support ONBOARDING_PACKAGE directory for the original vendor ETSI packages

Provides APIs for SO to store ETSI packages to the ETSI Database

Provides APIs for the SOL003 Adapter to retrieve VNF packages 

Provides APIs for the SOL005 Adapter to retrieve NS/PNF/VNF packages
SO Package ManagementSO manages SOL004 packages
SDC - SO SDC Controller - ETSI Catalog Manager

SO SDC Controller queries SDC for SOL004 packages

SO SDC Controller stores ETSI packages to ETSI Catalog DB thru ETSI Catalog APIs


nameSO ETSI Catalog DB support with SO VNFM Adapter

SO Package Management ( SDC - SO SDC Controller - ETSI Catalog Manager)

  • SO SDC Controller module (ASDCController and ToscaResourceInstall) needs to be updated for handling SOL004 packages including SOL001 VNFD and PNFD.
  • Service-level catalog and other non-ETSI catalog (SDC AID DM) will be stored in SO Catalog DB.
  • VNF/PNF/NS-level catalog handling would be simplified:
    • By using the ETSI Catalog Manager, ETSI VNF/PNF/NS-level catalogs (i.e., original vendor packages) will be stored in ETSI Catalog DB
    • SO itself does not need to manage ETSI-based VNF LCM; i.e., delegates the LCM to VNFM through the SOL003 VNFM Adapter
  • In Frankfurt, VNF package management will be supported.
  • The following diagram depicts the component interactions for VNF Package store for ONAP runtime.
