Table of Contents |
- Ensure that your artifacts inherit from O-Parent (oparent)
- If not possible, please maintain your own implementations of the various configurations and checks provided by oparent
- Remove all external SNAPSHOT dependencies
- External = cross-project (including oparent) or 3rd party
- Check version manifest at for the right version to use for your cross-project dependencies
The Integration team is providing a Maven plugin to warn you of outdated references: ONAP Version Manifest Maven Plugin (Decommissioned). To use it, run the following command:
Code Block mvn org.onap.integration:version-manifest:version-check
- If your upstream cross-project dependencies haven't entered their artifacts in the manifest above, please contact the respective project team to get them to version/release their artifacts and add their entries to the manifest
- Remove ecomp-staging Nexus repo from your local ~/.m2/settings.xml repositories list; all release-versioned artifact dependencies should be fulfilled from the ecomp-releases repo only going forward
- Set up gerrit-releasemaven-version jobs stage (staging jobsjob from global-jjb) to deploy candidate artifacts to Staging in Nexus2
- Generates candidate “autorelease-xxxx” directories in Nexus
- Ensure that your file has the right version number defined for the intended release
- Ensure that the staging jobs above have completed and generated candidate artifacts
- Perform any necessary testing against the candidate artifacts
- Email helpdesk@onapCreate a service request to LF Releng ( to select request a candidate as formal release artifactrelease of the staging candidate
- Specify the specific Jenkins build job that generated the selected candidate build, e.g.
- LF will GPG sign and release the artifacts to Releases repo
- LF will place a GPG signed tag on the specific commit in Gerrit repo
- Update the declared version numbers for your respective artifacts in the java version manifest:
- Update the CHANGELOG to describe the changes that were part of this release
- TBD: CHANGELOG structure and update process is being developed by the Documentation project
- Bump your own version numbers for ongoing development
- SNAPSHOT versions in pom.xml
- Staging/Release version in
- The gerrit-maven-stage job provides a patch that the teams can apply for their convenience. e.g.
Docker Images Release Process
Docker image release process:
- Set up gerrit-maven-docker-stage (docker staging jobs job from global-jjb) to produce the STAGING docker images.
- Ensure that the docker staging jobs have completed and generated candidate artifacts
- Perform any necessary testing against the candidate artifacts
- Email to select a candidate as formal release artifactCreate a service request to LF Releng ( to request a release of the staging candidate
- Specify the specific Jenkins build job that generated the selected candidate build, e.g.
- LF to re-tag the selected STAGING docker image with a RELEASE version tag
- Update the declared version number for your docker image in the docker version manifest:
- Update the CHANGELOG to describe the changes that were part of this release
- TBD: CHANGELOG structure and update process is being developed by the Documentation project
- Bump your own version numbers for ongoing development
- Staging/Release version in
What do we Need stanardardized Docker format
As Docker Snapshot is a cumulative repository, given a version, a keyword and the name of an image, the need is a systematic method to sort chronologically images based on Nexus version field.
This will help to community in providing an automated deployment using tag sets on a standard format.
The proposed docker tag format to align across all the teams is the following: