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guochuyi Chuanyu Chen Kevin Scaggs Thinh Nguyenphu (Unlicensed) chris.skowronek@riftio --Termed Fei Zhang (Ericsson) Zu Qiang


Enhanced Service Information Model for Nested and Shared Services


  1. "value" in SCAtomic is keyValuePair, for sometimes the value may not only an integer or string, but when it is truely the integer, a key value may be no longer proper.
  2. configurableProperties is general like a container in Vnf model, Chuyi suggest to use a single attribute with "keyValuePair" instead of using datatype, then there will be no conflict anymore, Kevin will do the deletion job of ConfigurableProperties from common model. 
  3. isShared should have more descriptions, who will consuing. how to use it, and the expected behavior.
  4. Can ServiceInstanceProfile be an attribute instead of datatype? Need opinions from Borislav.
  5. Change "id" in SelectionCritiria into"scId".

