guochuyi Chuanyu Chen Kevin Scaggs Thinh Nguyenphu (Unlicensed) chris.skowronek@riftio --Termed Fei Zhang (Ericsson) Zu Qiang
Enhanced Service Information Model for Nested and Shared Services
- "value" in SCAtomic is keyValuePair, for sometimes the value may not only an integer or string, but when it is truely the integer, a key value may be no longer proper.
- configurableProperties is general like a container in Vnf model, Chuyi suggest to use a single attribute with "keyValuePair" instead of using datatype, then there will be no conflict anymore, Kevin will do the deletion job of ConfigurableProperties from common model.
- isShared should have more descriptions, who will consuing. how to use it, and the expected behavior.
- Can ServiceInstanceProfile be an attribute instead of datatype? Need opinions from Borislav.
- Change "id" in SelectionCritiria into"scId".